Blessed are the curious... for they shall have adventures.
How many times have you been to a popular vacation destination? A lot I guess. But how many times have you discovered a miraculously beautiful spot that, may be, has never recorded footprints of a Man before, that has been there for ages to be spotted by someone? Never had I. Until a trip to a very secluded village at the peripherals of Shimla, Dhamun.
It's not down in any map... such places never are.

This trip is divided into 3 stages and the part you might be reading it for is narrated in the last stage.
The Outset of the Predetermined
I take it as the outset of the predetermined because now when I see it, it seems like a path already paved. It had been a long time since the last time my family got together to travel a long distance to attend a function, this time a marriage, but little did I know that it was just the beginning.
June 22, I with my family set off from Kalka to attend a marriage in Anji, 4 hours and 80Km from us. Anji, yet another beautiful place in Shimla that allows us to live in the lap of nature.

Road from Kalka to Anji takes you through Solan, Salogra Kandaghat, Waknaghat, Kadur and finally Anji along with spectacular spectacles on the way and a feeling of bliss.
A Freak call to Dhamun
Jun23, 2018.
Morning in the lap of nature. It IS! how you would have imagined it to be like. Sunrise from behind the mountains bestowing light on the small village in the midst, patting our faces with the warmth of love while the cold breeze brushing through the hair trying to give me a decent hairstyle like mothers do, only this time it's mother nature. The day dawns with morning Aarti in Temple which is considered as taking the blessings from Almighty for a good day ahead.

It was when we were about to leave the magical village, saving the vivid memories with everlasting clarity and freshness of the immediate experience, a freak call rang and soon we knew we were going to Dhamun.
Dhamun, a similar village in Himachal Pradesh. If you Google the village it won't show a road to it. Just an Unnamed Road to an Unnamed location in Himachal Pradesh that is known to the local residents of Shoghi or Shimla. After an hour or two from Anji we reached Dhamun, taking more time than usual because we lost the track for a couple of times (really difficult to find the village).

In the evening my elder brother from Dhamun took me on a trek that I would trace again in the morning just to capture the sunrise (yes I love sunrise). But now when I was there in the evening I dared to go an extra mile to capture the sunset despite being cautioned about the sighting of Leopard in the hills.

The Unpremediated Predetermined
Alarm clock buzzed at 5 in the morning. It was time. Predicted sunrise was around 5:45AM or 6:00AM. I Wore my shoes and ran to trace the same trek to the other side of the hill for this time to climb to the top, walk till the cliff and capture the digital memories of the picturesque view of course.

Tavel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. As this was not enough. Earlier in the night I heard about the road that goes till the end of the village. There has always been a curiosity in my mind to go till the end because from there you come closer to a new experience. It was decided and we were ready. Little did we know that we were trudging on a predefined path paved for us to test our will, determination to explore and love for nature. But it was the indomitable will and the sound of water that made us climb the hill down to it's base making our own way through the thorny and poisonous bushes on the gradient hills to finally discover a Waterfall!

The miraculously majestic Waterfall immediately made us fall in love with nature and evoked a keen sense of thankfulness to God and respect to reserve it's creation. The Waterfall may not be the biggest or the most wonderful but neither I'm aware nor do I care about the standards of evaluation of beauty of a spectacle. I know one thing that it is in the admiration. You can adore just the sunset or admire the profound awe for the resplendent art of the reverent Artist above.

No matter how much you've travelled, the saddest part will always be the end of the journey. But the best part is when you return, you become humble knowing how less you own. The Waterfall of Dhamun village is in the stories of the villagers but nor they have ever dared to witness it. Though I want you, the readers, to explore such places, but somewhere in the back of my head I don't want such places to magnetise attraction of the masses or tourists because then it gradually starts to lose it's beauty. Maybe such places should remain muffled under the Shade of trees.

And that's how the Waterfall of Dhamun village was Found and Lost again in the woods.