Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas

26th Feb 2018
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas by Gautam

Location: Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh

Range: Shivaliks

Altitude : 3647 mtrs(11965 feet above sea-level)

Difficulty: Moderate

Dates: 26th - 28th Jan 2018

Distance: 18 km uphill(one side)

Motive: To trek in the snow ☃

Churdhar is the highest peak in the Outer Himalayas. It is also known as Churi chandni Dhar(Bangles of snow ridge). It is a holy place related with Shri Shirgul Maharaj also know as Chureshwar Maharaj. It is a wild life sanctuary. The jungle in between the trek is prone to Himalayan Black Beers & leopards. It is a believed, Hanuman found the sanjeevani, that brought laxman back to life in this place. Its is also the highest peak Sir George Everest climbed.

check this for more about my trip to Churdhar

Reached Norhadhar & rested that night, We got ready & packed the essentials (Layers, Neck Warmer, T-Shirts, Gloves, Sun Glasses ) to shield us from cold & ice blindness. Had our breakfast & bought some fruits, chocolates & 2 bottles of water for each of us. We brought dry fruits from home as they would come handy during the trek & decided to go as far as we can till 2:00 pm & trek back.

Some random pics ....

Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 1/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 2/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 3/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 4/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 5/18 by Gautam

When we moved further into the trail we were trekking through snow that was about ankle lengths deep. The place we are heading to is Doosri a checkpoint, Pehli being Nohradhar. 2 km into the trek, we rested for 10 min & got ourselves hydrated with water & fruit. The trail is marked all along on the trees, stone walls or stones by some kind people. On the way we can find small water streams, ice formations on stagnant water, frozen reservoirs & trees covered with snow. We stopped by a stream to rest & fill our bottles again.

Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 6/18 by Gautam

On the way to Doosri...

Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 7/18 by Gautam

We finally reached Doosri at 12:00 in the noon covering 6 km by now & have 2 more hours at our disposal, to go as far as we can. We had snow of about 2-3 feet deep from here. During winters the people who have small stalls of water, Maggie , help the passers by, go back to the village due to snow. This place is ideal for camping. You can pitch your tent if you have one. After some running & jumping in the snow , we started towards Teesri, and the dog stayed back.

Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 8/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 9/18 by Gautam

On the way to The first part was passing by huge rocks covered with snow, & a steep ascent. We had to be extra careful as they were slippery. When we passed that terrain it was flat again. There are many places of scenic beauty to stop by.

Teesri ....

Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 10/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 11/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 12/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 13/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 14/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 15/18 by Gautam

Having covered 3 more kilometers, we walked on till 1:45 pm, until we found a dry patch of land to sit.

Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 16/18 by Gautam
Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 17/18 by Gautam

We rested there & started back at 2:00 pm. During the down hill we had to be careful again as the snow melted & created muddy paths in between. We slipped a few times at the initial return, but learned quick on how to walk on a declining slope & mud.

Photo of Churdhar_Amateur_Snow Trek ☃Outer Himalayas 18/18 by Gautam

Again had some Running & Jumping in the snow.

Reached Nohradhar by 6:30 pm & had hot tea & snack at the hotel. We have covered a total distance of 18 km.

On the way back home we started at 10:00 in the morning of 28th Jan, took a bus to Solan. As all the buses are full we routed via Kalka & Chandigarh to Delhi.

Note: Some of the facts are taken from the internet & other blogs.