Singapore, one of the most expensive city in the world has its own charm. Though, I have been to singapore multiple times but this trip is the only one that I remember and wish to visit again. Our trip started with an excellent cruise, its like a floating five star hotel. My cabin had a small window giving me an amazing view of the endless sea I was about to travel for three days. Well, day one we were introduced with some safety demonstrations incase some mishapening occurs. We were welcomed with a mouth-watering feast from rum balls to fresh juices. Everyday we used to get a schedule for, how we should spend our day on the deck. There were shows, dancing, shops to buy souveneirs, etc. They even took us to an island nearby through a small boat. The day we left cruise our next destination was Marina Bay Sands Hotel aka MBS. The main speciality of this hotel is its Infinity Pool. The pool is located on the 67th floor. Now, if you try to see this pool from the other end it seems as if incase you reach a little further from the edge you will fall down. But, trust me it is BREATHTAKING !!! . Infact, the hotel allows people to ONLY LOOK at the pool for $50 SGD and guess what, people pay for the same without hesitation ! So, incase any one is planning to visit Singapore, this is your hotel to stay in luxury and enjoy its ambience.