My travel buddies were hesitant to visit this town, until I found a cheap hostel (Php 250/night) and they agreed~! Haha! Melaka served as our “stop over” before going to Singapore. The architecture of the town is from the obvious Portuguese, Dutch and British inspiration. Though we failed to explore some of the museums the town has to offer (I really wanted to see Baba & Nyonya Museum, we somehow saw Melaka in a different way. We felt how accommodating and pleasing the locals were. So here’s what happened in our 24 hours or less adventure in this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Day 1
5:00 PM – Touchdown Melaka Sentral! And we thought we were at the wrong bus stop because I keep insisting that our stop should be in front of Red Square; thus, we rode another bus going to the town proper.
5:45 PM - Ola from the famous Red Square in Melaka! And here is a snippet from our travel video! It was still drizzling and there are a lot of people!
7:00 PM – We got lost (again) finding our hostel, instead we fed our eyes at Jonker Street.
7:30 PM – Dinner! As always, I insisted that we try their Famous Chicken Rice Ball, but we ended up eating in the wrong restaurant
8:00 PM – Food trippin’ and window shopping in Jonker Street and walk-a-thon in Jalan Tukang Emas Street. The rice balls? It’s only the appetizer. Our goal is at least eat all the street food in Jonker Street! And, we accomplished that somehow.
9:45 PM – Melaka River Cruise. Felt the cruise was a waste of RM 15! Wish I just used the money to buy more pasalubong
12:00 MN - Went back in our hostel and called it a night.
Day 2
In our itinerary, we were supposed to rent a bike to do last minute sight-seeing. But alas! We woke up at around 8:00am, became lazy then just decided to have a brunch instead. Since we didn’t know where to eat, we walked and saw a sign that says “cheap breakfast” and you know what happens next!
09:00 AM – Breakfast at Number 41 Guesthouse and Bistro. A local guesthouse owned by a Chinese guy married to a Filipina! He is a happy person and kept cursing in Tagalog! Now that’s something new to hear when you’re in Melaka. He also enlightened us on how locals easily identified our race. We were so perplexed that we started examining our physical features and even our mannerisms.
10:00 AM – Killing time, a photowalk and selfies.
10:30 AM – Checked out of the hostel and asked people for directions on how to reach Melaka Sentral.
11:00 AM – Walked past the river until we met a local who was kind enough to show us the bus stop going to Sentral.
12:30 PM – After killing ourselves in the heat of the sun, we finally made it and now we’re SG bound! Woot~! Woot!