Akram Ansari from Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Social Entrepreneur, Athlete, Mountaineer and Cyclist
Founder and Chairman of Bless 'n' Bliss
Cyclothon 3.0, Ranchi to Singapore- 6000 kilometers cycling in 6 countries in 49 days
India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. It is an awareness campaign for the right to education, women's safety and employment for transgender. During the journey, I have successfully conducted five seminars in different institutions like XLRI Jamshedpur, IIT Kharagpur, Sacred Convent High School, AIUB university Bangladesh and NUS Business School, Singapore where I gave a talk on the purpose and motive Cyclothon 3.0 and about my Organization "Bless 'n' Bliss (blessnbliss.org) and it's different projects BnB Shikshalaya (Education for underprivileged children), BnB Shaksham (Physical and Physiological training for women), BnB Swabhimaan (Skills training for transgender). We also collaborated with different institutions and organizations to work on these issues. The journey was full of challenges like riding in extreme hot sunny days, under-construction roads, hilly areas, and rains. In Myanmar, I had to face the challenge of staying as you cannot do camping in Myanmar. But I was determined to complete the mission and no obstacles can stop him. I also rode 170, 200 kilometers in a day by riding 15, 20 hours to conduct the seminar on scheduled date and time. In Myanmar, there was also a road under construction of 130 kilometers in which it was almost impossible to ride, there was huge mud path in which sometimes I had to take my bike over the shoulder to cross the path, Also language barrier was one also one of the problems. I stayed in mosque, temples, Buddhist temple, forest in unfavorable weather and conditions but nothing could stop me to reach the destination.
This is Cyclothon 3.0, I have already done Cyclothon 1.0 (100 kilometers) on 15th Aug 2016 for the awareness of Women Safety and Gender Equality) and Cyclothon 2.0 (400 kilometers) on 25th Dec, 2017 for the awareness of Education of Underprivileged Children, This time I thought to do it at larger scale so that I can bring many numbers of people at one platform to collaborate and to help & support me to work on the burning issues of our society.
Since I am a cyclist, mountaineer and marathon runner that helps me to keep myself fit and to take up challenges like this.
Bless 'n' Bliss is my organization in which we work for education and gender equality we have three different projects
1. BnB Shikhalaya- In this we provide free education to underprivileged children, we three education center 2 in Ranchi and 1 in Rourkela where have more than 200 children who we provide free education along with stationaries.
2. BnB Saksham- In this we provide physical and Physocological training to girl for save themselves from unwanted situation.
3. BnB Swabhiman- In this we provide skills training to transgender so that they can earn their livelihood of their own and can live the life dignity. Recently we trained trained 20 transgender of Jajpur road Odisha for sewing clothes and we also provided sewing machine to them now they don't go to station to beg they live the life of dignity by earning of their own
The smiles that I see on the face of children after they get stationaries and classes, the happiness that I see on the faces of transgender after they get skills training and earn their livelihood of their own, the confidence that I see on the faces of girls after they get trained physically and psychologically to save them from unwanted situation keep me motivated to work for them.
Visit my organization www.blessnbliss.org and donate/support them for the social causes on which we are working. Education of underprivileged children, women's safety and employment for transgender.