After walking for almost a month from Gangtok and covering over 600 kms I reached pelling the west of sikkim.
Pelling has an immense view of mother kanhchenjunga and is surrounded by absolute beauty.
While you may find many places to stay in pelling my favourite is a the one which is offbeat and has a feeling of a home stay and hostel both.
@mochilerostello is the only backpacking hostel in pelling right now which offers organic home grown food and has dorms and private rooms available.
In just 5 minutes walk one can go into the jungle at a view point where one can see the lowest hill like one in munnar, while at the same time mother kanhchenjunga the third highest mountain range in the world is also visible.
From the hostel mochilero hostelo mother kanhchenjunga is looks as if you are in right front of it.
The early morning are blessed with such view and the perfect chai made by didi there.
If you are in pelling the best place to be is ofcourse mochilero ostello. One should not start the journey by rushing somewhere but by relaxing and just absorbing the beauty and energies of mother kanhchenjunga.
The food at mochilero is the best hand picked fresh food from their garden and is as organic as it can get.
Didi, Naresh daju and Nimesh are perfect host and would always make sure that you are in comfort.