It was second day in north sikkim,being already smitten by its irrevocable beauty which was a true nature lover's paradise. My day 1 expedition to north Sikkim is here
After a yummy hot breakfast in our hotel Riverie in lachung, which was a small hamlet of north Sikkim, we geared up for our Yumthang valley excursion. The serpentine road was good compared to that of gurudongmar,which was covered on day 1 of north Sikkim trip.
It was the season of rhododendrons, the state flower of Sikkim, and the journey was really beautiful amidst the multicolored flowers and the blue sky.

Yumthang is a picturesque area of north Sikkim at 11693ft elevation, which can be visited both in winter and summer. The fall of spring is the time when the valleys come alive, comprising of alps, sloping green valleys ,grazing yaks and horses, Himalayan flower beds and flowing river. One can go for excursion, trek into valleys,picnic into the woods or just stroll around in the beauty.

Where flower smiles...

And more flowers!!

excursion to valley

Grazing yaks

En route Yumthang

There were stalls in Yumthang where we can rent boots, gloves and other woolen wears. After crossing yumthang valley, by paying an additional of 250 rs per person to our driver, we decided to go to zero point.Also known as Yumesamdong, some 23 km away from Yumthang, it is the last stop of civilization where the road ends and a few distance away is the international border of India and China. The road leading to zero point was curvy, zigzag with huge snowy mountains and river surrounded. The population was thin with few nomadic shepherds, huts and army bunkers.
After exceeding those rugged terrain and serpentine road, we finally reached zero point which was like another heaven. That was literally the end of the road and whole mountain ranges started after that. It was May but we were lucky not only to plunge into snow but also witness live snowfall! There were few stalls for snacks and drinks. I started conversation with a stall lady ,post which I got to know that they come everyday in the morning from Yumthang to put up their stalls and return by evening.
We returned to lachung after having a time of our lives. Packing our bags, we finally bid adieu to dearest north Sikkim and returned to Gangtok.