While we sit untouched inside closed doors, nature has silently triumphed over one corner of the world in the most beautiful manner. Goqui Island in Shengsi, a 400 island archipelago on the east of China’s coastal Zhejiang province is now retelling a story of nature's power.
The fascinating story of Goqui Village that nature has taken over completely:
When the fishermen of Goqui village found it more economical to move to the mainland, they left their little village to the care of nature.

Over the years, the little village of Goqui grew into an unsolved enigma and stayed hidden in the lap of nature until a Shanghai based photographer Tang Yuhong took a trip to Shengshan Island and told it's story to the world.

Once a thriving fishing village on the seaside, creeper and climbers have now turned the deserted village of Goqui into a beautiful dream.

Out of the 400 islands only 18 are inhabitable. The lives of the fishermen at Goqui changed once the saw better opportunities awaiting them away from their village. Their abandoned houses are now embraced by nature in the most perfect manner.

The biggest of these 400 islands is Sijiao Island, which is only a 5 hour ferryride away from the bursting city of Shanghai. But once abandoned Goqui had no intrusion from the outside world for years.

Many neighbouring islands offer sea bathing to tourists from across the globe and also attract 100,000 fishermen every winter but the story of this village has unfolded in a different manner.

The sub tropical climate of this region has given a wondrous nature's gift to this village and created a green jungle in these abandoned buildings.

It's tough to judge whether Goqui Village is now living naturally or dying naturally but nature has taken it's course and given us yet another amazing story to stand awestruck looking at it's wonders.
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