Keep Close to nature's heart,wash your spirit clean than you need to follow Saputara!#notinnorth

27th Dec 2018
Day 1

Happily snuggling the Sahyadris or Western Ghats, Saputara is a small special destination in Gujarat.

Beautiful View of Saputara

Photo of Keep Close to nature's heart,wash your spirit clean than you need to follow Saputara!#notinnorth by Kalsariya Smit

Green View of Saputara

Photo of Keep Close to nature's heart,wash your spirit clean than you need to follow Saputara!#notinnorth by Kalsariya Smit

Heart of Gujarat

Photo of Keep Close to nature's heart,wash your spirit clean than you need to follow Saputara!#notinnorth by Kalsariya Smit
Day 2

Sunrise Point is situated around 1.5kms from Saputara towards Waghai. This place offers best views of Saputara and the adjoining region of Malegoan. So even if one misses out the sunrise view, one can enjoy a lovely panoramic view from here at any time of the day.

Sunrise Point

Photo of Keep Close to nature's heart,wash your spirit clean than you need to follow Saputara!#notinnorth by Kalsariya Smit

Sunset Point

Photo of Keep Close to nature's heart,wash your spirit clean than you need to follow Saputara!#notinnorth by Kalsariya Smit
Day 3

There are three prominent gardens in Saputara namely Rose Garden, Lake Garden and Step Garden which can be a great delight to visit. In Rose Garden a wide variety of roses can be seen, while in the step garden the arrangement of the flowers is what catches ones’ eyes. At Lake Garden, which is situated on the bank of Saputara Lake, one has the chance to see a diverse variety of multi-hued flowers.

Rose Garden

Photo of Keep Close to nature's heart,wash your spirit clean than you need to follow Saputara!#notinnorth by Kalsariya Smit

Different Flowers in Rose Garden

Photo of Keep Close to nature's heart,wash your spirit clean than you need to follow Saputara!#notinnorth by Kalsariya Smit

Yellow Flowers

Photo of Keep Close to nature's heart,wash your spirit clean than you need to follow Saputara!#notinnorth by Kalsariya Smit
Day 4

Gira Waterfall is situated off the Saputara-Waghi road about 49kms from Saputara. The waterfall originating from Kapri tributary is at its best during the monsoon season. The water cascades from a height of 30m into the Ambika River offering a very picturesque view. The best time to be here would be between June and November.

Ambapada Villege

Photo of Ambapada, Gujarat, India by Kalsariya Smit

Vasanda National Park

Photo of Ambapada, Gujarat, India by Kalsariya Smit

Purna Sanctuary

Photo of Ambapada, Gujarat, India by Kalsariya Smit