We all deserve a break after a weekfull of work and from a hustle bustle of our day to day life. And what can be a good option then a good road trip which is far away from the chaos of city. Well i am talking about a road trip from Bhopal to Sanchi. Sanchi is located for about 70 kms. from Bhopal. One can choose to go either by car or by bike. After beating the traffic when you reach to the countryside you will see the villages and farms which will give you a very soothing feel to your eyes. Roads are overall good except few patches. The beauty of road is mesmerizing. Scenic beauties like lush green landscapes, canals, flowing rivers and mountains will leave you speechless. There is also a railway track situated simultaneously, meanwhile the passing of trains make the journey more joyful. I prefer to go by bike which gives me a feeling of closer to the nature and at the same time it is more adventurous.

Tropic of Cancer
Located on the Bhopal-Sanchi road, the imaginary line of the Tropic of Cancer in the globe is located by a concrete signage on either side of the road. It is interesting to identify the physical location, which has become a tourist attraction too. You can take some photos and selfies here for your memories.

Buddhist monuments at Sanchi
I will not come to the history of this monument which is easily accessible over the internet but let me tell you this monument is more then 2000 yrs. old. Which makes it the oldest buddhist sanctury in existance and an UNESCO World Heritage site. Many foreign tourist come from all across the world to visit this place. The monument is located 500 mts. away from the main highway. For entrance you have to buy a ticket.

The monument is situated on plateau and can be reached by stairs or road. The surrounding views from plateau is simply beathtaking. There is also locker facility available where you can keep your belongings safe. The entire landscape is filled with lush green carpet grass and signages. The monument has a museum also which depicts the history of this place which takes more then 3 hrs. to visit entirely. For a break there is a cafeteria where you can sip a coffee or tea and have some snacks. Overall it is a must place to visit if you stay in nearby cities or towns.

Udaygiri Caves
Udaygiri caves is a historical and an archaeological place. Which is situated about 75 kms. from Bhopal and about 10 kms. from the monuments of Sanchi. For entrance you have to buy the tickets. This place has a huge archaeological significance. The sculpures and incriptions of lord Vishnu and Shiva are more then 1500 yrs. old. The idols of lords are carved and engraved over the giant rocks will take you to the Gupta era. The caves which were turned into temples are sealed with metal barred gates are very rarely seen and accessible from outside only. If you go some steps ahead you will find few stairs to climb up to the hill. There is a garden where you can sit and enjoy the panaromic view of surroundings. It takes around 2 – 3 hrs. to visit the entire place.

Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board is constantly forward of developing these two places and trying to attract more tourists. One can visit both the historical places in one day. This can be a fun trip with your loved ones or with family where you will get to know so many things and enjoy a lot. I have seen lot of people have written their names on the rock and leaving blots on such heritage places. Stop people around you doing such things and leave the places worth visiting for coming generations.

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