Sanchi: Knowledge of buddha, ingrained in the heart of India

1st May 2020
Photo of Sanchi: Knowledge of buddha, ingrained in the heart of India by Sunil Kumar Sahu

सांची शहर के स्तूप मे बसा, गौतम बुद्ध का ज्ञान,

विश्व धरोहर बनकर बढ़ाया, मध्य प्रदेश का मान।

Better than thousand hollow words, is the word that brings peace.

- Gautam Buddha

Madhya Pradesh situated in the heart of India, has its roots deep in the history of India and is famous for its natural beauty, heritage, wildlife, and religious tourism. Madhya Pradesh is also home to three important world heritage sites. This blog is about the most famous World Heritage site ‘Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi’, a world heritage site in MP, declared in 1989 famous for Buddhist stupas & architecture. The third world heritage site is the ‘Rock Shelters of

Bhimbetka’ near Bhopal, where evidence of earliest rock painting if found from the Mesolithic period to the historical period. Sanchi Stupa is known as the one of the structure made of stone in India, it was built during the Mauryan period. The sculptures, monuments and lush gardens of Sanchi Stupa have been designated as the World Heritage site by UNESCO.

Sanchi a small town at the foothill in the Raisen district, situated around 50 kms. north east of Bhopal, capital city of Madhya Pradesh. Sanchi is famous for its ancient stupas, Buddhist monasteries & Buddhist cultures attracts tourists from all over the world and is also a popular religious place among follower of Buddhism, all around the globe reflecting buddhist art, architecture & culture. The world famous Great Stupa at Sanchi is one of the best-preserved Stupas with its ornamental gateways attracting thousands of pilgrims and travellers.

Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu
Photo of Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi by Sunil Kumar Sahu