As we all have friends in our life. But there are some of them who reserved a special place in our hearts.
Here it is my friend Vaibhav Prakash Gupta. He belongs to #varanasi.
He is a hosteller in SRMSCET Bareilly and i m a dayscholar.
One day he asked me a favour that his father is coming for some official work to a city named Rudrapur which is 78 km(approx ) from my hometown Bareilly. He said his father wanted to see him but not able to come Bareilly because he is on duty😣. So he asked me to pick him from college and so dat we both go to Rudrapur via bike. I said bro my parents won't allow me. But with his crying face(dramebazi) 🤨 ,he convinced me. Now the problem is to convince my parents or tell a lie.
What do u think i have to prefer?
I preferred 2nd option that i tell a lie😅 because that is easier. I told my parents that i m going for group study for the whole day😁😁.
Now the trip starts and we filled the fuel tank.

When we came home then we realised that we forget that pump who make us fool.
So according to me always pay attention when u are on a trip with your friends and family then always check petrol/diesel after some time. If u fill ur tank then check the reading and how much they give on petrol pumps because they always try to cheat😡.
Afterall everything was good.
The highway is totally clean there is no rush and therefore speed also high to cover maximum distance in minimum time.
Then something went wrong my fuel tnk empty(reserved) instead i have enough fuel to cover the distance from both sides. Then i realised that petrol pump person cheated us 😠. Then we again fill the tank and prepared ourselves to talk to that person when we were coming back because we covered almost 80% of the distance. Then we reached Rudrapur.

It was a nice city and nice infrastructure of that school. I visited the whole building and its was huge and good.

Then around 4 pm we returned towards Bareilly n we have lunch with his father and it was great day.