Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

Escaping to the dreamscape !

Photo of Ounasvaara, Rovaniemi, Finland by compass_cupcakes

Ounasvara is a dreamy landscape that would leave you dumbstruck with its tranquil wilderness. This easy and small hiking trail would take you through some of the mesmerizing vistas that you haven’t encountered before.

The golden rays of the sun peeping through the casement interrupted my sleep. It was the month of February with temperatures dipping well below the freezing point. The real feel was -23 degrees Celsius outside. A hot shower, a cup of filter coffee, a backpack with some chocolates and a bottle of water, heavy woolens, mittens, hiking boots and I was ready for the hike.

The shivery morning

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

The steaming hot coffee to survive the shiver

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

The first few steps out of the warmth of my room were tough with all my bones getting tickled by the chilly wind. Gradually I got accustomed with the freezing temperature outside.

The sun was shining brightly in the crystalline azure, children were playing happily, I could hear a blare of giggles and laughter all around and it felt as if the whole town was basking in the warmth of the sun and bursting with life !!

My joy had no boundaries when I noticed the signboard that read “Ounasvara summit trail -> this way” and I didn’t know how to tame my excitement.

The road to Ounasvara

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

The 3 kms hike started with a relaxing stroll that gradually turned into an uphill trudge (don’t worry, it wasn’t the Herculean uphill trekking type). It was basically a combination of some leisurely steps mixed with a little uphill plod.

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

A li'l uphill

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

The painting like trail goes through a pine forest and is illuminated by the sun beams that plays a peekaboo with the towering trees.

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes
Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

There are several hiking paths that could be taken to summit the Ounasvara mountain and all of the paths are well guided with signs, maps and milestones. This mountain with its gentle and gradual slopes is famous for winter sports especially skiing and snowshoeing.

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

Wading through the snowy path in the harsh cold was rewarding when I reached the observation deck from where I got a magnificent glimpse of the city of Rovaniemi. It felt like an unknown world to me.

Trying to catch a glimpse of the divine surrounding from the Observation Deck. However, the sight of the city was to my right.

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

After spoiling my vision with the best sight of the city, I decided to quench my gastronomical thirst. The hike till the observation tower made me crave for food out of hunger. So the sight of a wooden shade with a barbecue setting, soothed my agitated soul. Without wasting any more time and with the help of 2 fellow hikers, I lighted the fire after accumulating some woods and the barbecued chicken sausages, cooked over the fire pit, tasted heavenly.

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes
Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

The Happy Tummy expression !

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

After satisfying my appetite, I started my onward journey towards the summit.

The trail is quiet and is not very much frequented by people.

While traversing, I felt isolated and disconnected from humanity. There was uncanny silence all around me. I was drowned in the beauty of nature. I could feel the essence of solitude and sense the aroma of the elements of nature. I could hear the rustling of the leaves and the mumbling of the snow, I could feel the swift swaying of the winds and the warmth of the sunlight. I could hear the rhythmic chirping of the birds and I sensed the whispering breeze. I healed !

...and into the woods, I go !

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes
Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

With the sight of a beautifully carved modern architecture, I came back to the more realistic world. It was the charming Sky Hotel Ounasvara. I needed a coffee to accept the pragmatic world so I headed straight to the cafeteria of the hotel. Having occupied a corner table, I took the first sip of the coffee from the earthen mug while enjoying the view of candle lit conifers against the snowy silhouette. I was again lost in thoughts.

The candle lit conifers

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

The cozy corner table !

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

Lost in thoughts !

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

I got interrupted with a cute fluffy dog sniffing my boots that happened to be one of the hotel employee’s pet. Thus, after regaining some energy and clearing the bills, I started my backward journey to the town.

On my way back, the Ounasvara hiking trail showed another avatar. The setting sun and orange hued horizon adorned the spot with an angelic look. Nature created magic, when it started snowing. I got drenched in powdery snowflakes and I was enthralled by the dramatic nature. It was a day, I lived off the land and on the mystical clouds.

Happiness is snowflakes in my hair :)

Photo of Wandering in White Wilderness - A Day at Ounasvaara by compass_cupcakes

This is the magical Ounasvara which has an eerie beauty that can’t be explained, if not experienced !!