Travel to find True Wealth 

Photo of Travel to find True Wealth by Monica Dogra

What gives you sustenance? Standing in a presidential suite in Rajasthan - the room was made entirely of silver. I’ve spent a lot of my life without wealth... forging opportunity... thinking “how am I going to pay for this?” “How can I earn so that I can ensure my family will no longer struggle?” ... and now that money flows in my life, I ponder the importance of true wealth. I wish to clarify - true wealth occurs when I am able to offer my time, energy, and resources to work that creates impact, healing, and an uplifted environment for like-minded hearts to connect and grow... true wealth is my own freedom. Freedom to be my greatest self. To walk about the earth and learn and discover whenever my heart be good to my family, and hold them up when they need holding. To find myself honored and respected at work, at home, on the streets... to live knowing I secure environments for others to feel the same...

True wealth is living a life of contribution... how tiny and minuscule my life may be, I still intend to use it with fortitude...