Stepping into a Stepwell #HiddenGem


I was in Jaipur for a small trip with my cousin and we had wandered all day on a scooter to witness some of the magnificent Forts and Palaces. Prior to our departure from the city our final stop was "Amer Fort" one of the most elegant and visited sight in Jaipur. After an hour of admiring the opulence and grandeur of Amer Fort we had some time to spare and that's when it crossed my mind that we can put this time to use by visiting another attraction not too far and preferably small enough to be covered in a little time.

After a bit of research over Internet and with help of some locals we learned that there is a small Step-Well in the vicinity. I have seen some small Baoris near my home but all of those were pretty small mostly in a shabby and neglected condition, so I was always interested in visiting an actual Royal Stepwell.

The place was not very far from Amer Fort but, finding it was tricky thanks to the narrow and confusing streets of the old town where even GPS got confused. Eventually, after a little effort and a few dead ends we found ourselves standing in front of what is better known as "Panna Meena ka Kund".

The yellow coloured Eight storied rectangular pool is an excellent illustration of Architectural perfection and Royal ambience with some 1800 stairs constructed unimaginably symmetrical in an astounding zig-zag pattern reaching a depth of almost 200 feets.

This is a 400 Hundred year old, well restored stepwell which is still filled with water and presents a great spot to just hangout or sit calmly. Undoubtedly this also portrays a great photo opportunity the symmetry of stepwells lures many photographers.

In conclusion, we spent some great time here and it was certainly a quick surprise for us. Now this may not be a remote unheard destination, but it is beyond the mainstream tourist places and for me it was unquestionably a Hidden Gem which greatly enhanced my experience of this Regal City.

Photo of Stepping into a Stepwell #HiddenGem 2/2 by prasoon padhye
The symmetrical stairways are Architectural Marvels of Ancient india