I reached mount abu in the evening. So the first thing i did was going to sunset point and capturing the beautiful sunset. You need to hike a little to reach the sunset point, it will take around 30 mins to reach the highest point. Once you’ve reached the highest point, from there you can witness the beautiful sunset. So did i, everyone was hooting as the sun was going down. After the sunset it gets cold and dark, so make sure to carry sufficient clothing and torch.
On my 2nd day i visited the nakki lake and dilwara temple. First i went to dilwara temple it is a jain temple & it is famous for its marble carvings. After that i went to nakki lake which is situated right in between the main market. And mount abu’s market has a lot to offer, you can shop, eat, relax. After shopping and eating, one can do boating in nakki lake which is next to the market.
There are very limited things to do in mount abu . But mount abu is a place where you can relax and enjoy the weather.