City palace is situated at the heart of Jaipur city. It is a living palace where the current king is residing with his family. It holds a great heritage. When Amber fort( the old fort) was not enough for the family, they build this palace which is now a half museum and half residence. It is beautiful and holds lots of stories. When we enter we see one of the museums which hold all the clothes that kings and queens used to wear.

Next, come the armory and the war defense equipment section which is in a beautifully painted room which this original color extracted from fruits and flowers.

Walking towards this grand entry which leads to the courtyard of the palace. This gives a view of both the living palace and the current museum.

Walking through this to another building which has four seasonal entrances as explained by our guide. it was the entertainment area as he called it. King used to gather with his ministry to enjoy the local dancers and performers while the queen and the servant used to sit and watch from upstairs through the small windows.

We were blown away by the beautifully painted walls which were preserved and maintained by the authority. The detailed handwork was marvelous. Few of the walls were later touched up but most of them were original. Hearing about the history of the place makes me wonder how larger than life the kings were and despite the fact they are not the ruling body now still, the respect and belief the people have in them are unquestionable.