Life beyond the boundaries of realities
- My experience from diving
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music - Friedrich Nietzsche”
There is no one way of living life. No place, no people, nothing fixes boundaries on how you live. You draw them, you put our own chains. You create those amazingly illusionist way of existence, where you do nothing and feel proud you have never failed.The non-existing zones that you will never want to be proven so. You are comfortable with the patterns that do not demand you to be curious, those that falsely makes you feel safe. The ship at the dock, bird in the cage, life within the boundaries of realities - can never fail except that they fail to be what they are.
Life is outside this zone of comfort, outside this zone of “realities”, it need not be the same way the thousands lived before you. It can be unique to you. After all, it is yours, its once, the last and no one can live it for you. For those souls that can fly free, for those hearts that can skip a beat to take that leap, those minds that can break its own walls, waits the life they way it is meant to be.Take the leap, do what you always wanted to do, do it the way you like; be you and do it now. At the end of the boundaries of realities is the start of your life, the one meant for you and for none. Cross the boundaries of existence; Live.
Jump off the boundaries of land, dive into the ocean. Feel like never before. Realize, life is not a rush. Life is not about holding on to the rope but letting it go. Not struggling in the comfortable surface but sinking in. “Realities” get knocked down every feet you plunge deeper. The heaviest in you is not your body but your mind. Shed away the weights clogging your mind. Let go all your fears, fear of unknown, that of never - done, of being alone, and the fear of letting go. As mind gets lite as a feather; your body defies the laws of realities. You will learn to sink and to live life beyond boundaries. Nothing is lost until when you can still breathe, move on with a feather-lite mind.
Beauties you will see. Unseen and unheard of. Potentials you will realize, you never thought you had. With every feet deeper, the feeling of breaking out of the usual, leading your own course far away from the “realities”, breaks you free. You get used to the words “Everything is fine as long as I can breathe”. That is all life demands of you, breathe, live, love what comes your way. Appreciate nature the way it is, get curious on everything. Don’t see; observe. When you hit the ocean floor, look up. A hundred feet away from the surface, the routine, the realities, nothing is the same now but you still manage to breathe, to live a beautiful piece of life outside your boundaries.
If crossing this boundary of land can be such enlightening , why leave any boundaries uncrossed. Why hold on to any fear? Challenge every boundary you see, embrace it, cross over and live that piece of beautiful life meant only for you.