Mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery.
Exhausted? Tired? Need a break? aaah !! Visit this place put this in your bucket list relax enjoy sunset view how Dhauladhar ranges have been standing so tall wearing its perfect White Dress making us to fall in love with nature.
This is about my last Trip which I had to TRIUND (Foot Of Dhauladhar ranges)
Short and sweet trip to this rocky mountain was an awesome experience. It is a 9 km trek that attracts many tourists which starts from Dharmkot and first mile stone is Galu Mata Temple.
Things you need :
1) Tent if you want to view a perfect sunset which you will get very easily from Dharmkot at Cheap rates or right at the top by small shops ,price may varies 400 -1500 per person depending upon season and traffic.
2) Water Bottle, NO WATER AT THE TOP, Keep your self Hydrated and carry 2 -3 liters of water with you.
3) Toilet paper since no water at the top and no such permanent facility is provided over there.
4) Good grip shoes as the mountain trek consist of granite rocks which sometimes becomes slippery as well.
5) Umbrella, a Cap : its too windy on the top and a Sunscreen to keep your skin protected from Sun stroke.
6) A extra bag to bring back the litter with you what ever have you eaten(be a Good Citizen please..help yourself keeping the place Green.)
7)Regarding food you will get small stalls on your way. Maggi costing : Rs 70 -80 , Rajmah Chawal : Rs 160 or so, many other items..
Taxi drivers can take you till Galu Mata Mandir from where the trek starts (6km)if you are willing to ...but mostly people start their trek from Dharamkot itself from there its 9 km to the top.
On the way you will be meeting Oak and Devdar trees standing straight welcoming you to enjoy your journey to this lush green Valley with red and pink Burunsh flowers.

Good music and Good company shall keep you motivated and energetic so that you can enjoy your journey completely.
It is a 3 hours trek from Galu Mata temple and by covering twists and turn curves you will be visiting MAGIC VIEW CAFE : The oldest tea Stall . The last level is quite tough and rocky so keep it slow and try not to take any shortcuts here you might hurt yourself.

Happy Weekend!!