Early morning at 6 am i left my hotel room and think about going barefoot to the heaven,it is my favorite time to explore a new city when crowd is minimum but you still can feel the city,appreciate its architecture,admire its flora and fauna and culture,notice the first ray of shine falling on the city and yes get what local have in breakfast.I entered through the main gate in winter morning and bare foot normally standing at a place can numb my legs but i was so preflexed by the view of the holy "Harmandar Sahib" that i stand their for nearly 5-10 minutes.Minimum crowd maximum peace and yes somehow heaven must be feel something like that.Magical sounds emerging from the Gurudwara makes the whole site more beautiful.
Yes the city of golden temple,the place that need no introduction,the place where humanity prevails,where people from all caste,religion,gender and greed are welcomed open handed,feed till their stomach full by other people. The feeling that humanity still in us can be notice their and may be this is what nectar means for them not a bodily immortality but spiritually one.
Amritsar literal meaning the water source of nectar and in some sense its true too. I was on my trip to Punjab and after Jalandhar my next stop is Amritsar.
I moved to Jalianwala Bagh the same place where humanity died on 13 April, 1919. Such a paradox a place where huminty is above all and where General dayar mascarred huminty by killing as much he can kill at the site by open firing at gathered peaceful group of people on the occasion of Baisakhi.

If u want to feel the peace and give rest to your soul and in real want to feel the essence of Sikhism the morning 6AM to 8Am in winter is the most ideal time to be in the holy site. The time table for the morning routine is as follows
First Ardas 6.00 a.m.
Asa Di War Samapti 7.00 a.m.
Second Ardas & Hukamnama 7.15 a.m.
i was lucky that i reached their at 6:15 and at that time Asa di Vaar was reciting by the "Raagis" in unison.
i was moving around the golden temple for nearly 30 min just to enjoy the one of the most beautiful time one can have and then at 7 entered in golden temple to witness i never did in my many visits to gurudwara the Ardas and Hukumnama "Hukumnama is the verses from Sri Guru Grnath Sahib for the day have great revernse to sikhs" i got a beautiful place on the first floor of Golden temple from where i was able to watch all ceremony and enjoying that. I sat their for hour or so and then left.After having Kadah Prasad.
I was in mix feeling about people but surely was contained that i used my morning in the best way