Travelling is like flirting with life. It's like saying, 'I would stay and love you, but I have to go.' And so, to keep up the pace we go hither and thither, living dreams and dreaming the new ones, cooking up stories and reciting the old ones, making amends and fabricating new blunders. And then, at times like today, we write, to remember our nows later.

It took me some time to decipher what this word travel actually means? Is it just about visiting places or much more that that? Is it merely a desire to roam and rove about, or an antidote to what we go through each day, an escape? Is it an impulse to explore this world, or is it about finding yourself in the process, your own self? Is that hunger to feel the wild air, or is about feeding yourself, to become? Is it a dream, or a reality we look forward to? It is everything.
So, next time we travel, let us make sure that our journey is about travel, about everything.
What makes me happy is to know that I have known this word, literally. And what leaves me disheartened is that I want to know more, more when time doesn't permit, when I have more important things on plate and all I can do is look outside the window or wait, wait for those days to come more often. Nevertheless, stories remain before a new journey begins, before more stories are made.
P.S. For people who don't like to wander, I wish this post inspires them to take the road. And those who know me, will not be startled by the number of images that are embedded in the post ????