And the day... Started with sun behind me... A full tank ... and a teary good-bye to my second home .... Nagpur! The orange city.
With only the road ahead of me and moist air of the morning breeze on the open road .... Nagpur_Amravati highway.. @95-110kmph..
As the Sun rose... and the day passed it got warmer..
Around 2-3 hrs in the journey around 170 km done... Amaravati passed like a breeze... Towards Akola .... Where I stopped for quick snack at a local road side shop....
With some snacks in my belly and morning tea, I continued on the road ... Well quickly after I got to the point where the roads diminished to gravel and then to no road... As it seems due to work in progress ofr 4 lane express way to Mumbai was underway... While ignoring the fact that it was dusty the scenery of the flats with crops on both side of the road made it a scoop.
There after the real journey began 😉 through the heart of Maharashtra.
With a heard of cows on the road chilling along side the road causing commotion on both side of roads... I quickly risked through the traffic and headed towards .... Aurangabad.
While 350Km seemed like Cream.... Until the last strech of the day Jalna to Aurangabad i.e 70km .... And I m sorry ... I guess my bike suffered enough on this last strech. While it seemed to be 4 lane highway ... With no tarmac... And only potholes where even the slightest mistake of judgment could turn to a nightmare... If I am not exaggerating it enough just this patch took me an 2 hours. However not concerned of time or any thought only to patience and endurance this patch was over. Where I made my stop in Aurangabad!
Where I was welcomed warmly and smoothly checked in to.... Zostel, aurangabad

With Cold but Sunny morning.... One again had my breakfast, packed my bags, checked my chords balanced the weight; throttled my way thought the morning traffic towards Pune...
With only the flat road in sight the tarmac skewed the way with no hassle.... With only the breeze on my helmet and air sipping through the vent and a lots of sugarcane juice shops, tractors, I made way to Pune ... Within 4hrs .... 250km.
While the road ahead was easy... I had to make a quick stop for the day.. and continue the next ... To be continued

Well, today was day. My final strech 460Km to be clocked ... Heading west- south west. To my birth place to my beloved... Home sweet Home (Vasco da Gama, Goa)....
Starting my day with a morning espresso at CCD.
Even-tho it's home it's nothing new.. however the only difference this time was bike, tarmac and the beautiful journey through the ghats of Amboli, well the the saying is true "it's about the journey then the destination" with excitement a full tank again... I began to run down the kilometres one after the other.
With a beautiful 6 lane highway upto Nipani...287km from Pune. I was now ready to enter the cross the borders Karnataka- Maharashtra...toward the scenic and roads like a river going through the canopy of forests and national reserves... I made my way to the Amboli ghats ...
And now only 130 km remaining to reach the borders of the beloved city of Christ (Goa). However as soon as I entered it seemed a lot had changed ... As the a new 4 lane express way being throughout the north to the south borders ... A west coast road.. with almost the whole way until Verna... While I took the left home to Vasco... The evening breeze and welcomed me home at the end of my journey .....