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Sinhagad Fort
📍 Sinhagad Fort, MaharashtraView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:July to February

⏰ Open Hours:24 hours

🏞 Things To Do:Trekking, Sightseeing, Photography, Enjoy local cuisine

💵 Entry Fees:No entry fee

🧳 Traveller Types:Adventure seekers, History buffs, Photographers

🔍 Known For:Historic significance, Strategic location, Breathtaking views, Famous for the Battle of Sinhagad

📍 Distances:25 km from Pune Railway Station, 38 km from Pune Airport

🍲 Local Cuisine:Try local delicacies like Pithla Bhakri at the food stalls

🥾 Trek Difficulty:Moderate

🌦 Weather:Pleasant with occasional showers in monsoon

📌 Tip:Carry water and wear comfortable footwear for the trek

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Sinhagad Fort: A Historical and Cultural Treasure in Pune

Sinhagad Fort is a majestic fort that stands on a hilltop near Pune, Maharashtra. It is one of the most visited and admired forts in the state, as it offers a glimpse into the glorious past of the Maratha Empire. The fort has witnessed many battles and legends, and has a rich cultural and historical significance. Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, or an adventure seeker, Sinhagad Fort has something for everyone. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of Sinhagad Fort, such as its history, architecture, trekking, activities, and attractions. We will also provide some useful tips and suggestions for visiting the fort. By the end of this article, you will have a complete picture of Sinhagad Fort and why you should visit it.

History of Sinhagad Fort

The name Sinhagad means “Lion’s Fort” in Marathi, and it aptly describes the strength and pride of the fort. The fort was originally built by the Rashtrakutas in the 8th century CE, and was later conquered by various dynasties, such as the Yadavas, the Bahamanis, the Mughals, and the Marathas. The fort gained fame and glory under the rule of Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Empire. He captured the fort from the Mughals in 1647 CE and made it his base for many military operations.

The most famous event in the history of Sinhagad Fort is the Battle of Sinhagad in 1670 CE, where Shivaji Maharaj’s general Tanaji Malusare led a daring attack on the fort at night with the help of his pet monitor lizard named Yashwanti. He scaled the steep walls of the fort with his men and fought bravely against the Mughal commander Udaybhan Rathod. Tanaji Malusare sacrificed his life to win the fort for Shivaji Maharaj, who renamed the fort as Sinhagad in his honor. The battle is considered as one of the greatest examples of guerrilla warfare and valour in Indian history.

Sinhagad Fort also played a vital role in the later years of the Maratha Empire. It was here that Rajaram Chhatrapati, the younger son of Shivaji Maharaj, was crowned as the king after his father’s death in 1680 CE. It was also here that Sambhaji Maharaj, the elder son of Shivaji Maharaj, was cremated after being tortured and executed by Aurangzeb in 1689 CE. The fort remained under the control of the Marathas until 1818 CE, when it was surrendered to the British after the Third Anglo-Maratha War.

Architecture of Sinhagad Fort

Sinhagad Fort is a marvel of Maratha architecture and engineering. The fort covers an area of about 700 acres and has an elevation of about 1312 meters above sea level. The fort has two main entrances: the Kalyan Darwaza on the south-east side and the Pune Darwaza on the north-east side. The fort has several bastions, ramparts, walls, and gates that enclose its premises. The fort also has several water tanks, temples, tombs, and monuments that add to its beauty and charm.

Some of the prominent features and attractions of Sinhagad Fort are:

The Tanaji memorial: This is a stone structure that marks the spot where Tanaji Malusare fell while fighting Udaybhan Rathod. It has a statue of Tanaji Malusare holding his sword and shield, along with a plaque that reads “Gad ala pan sinh gela”, which means “The fort was captured but the lion was lost”.

The Dev Take: This is a large water tank that is said to have been built by Shivaji Maharaj himself. It is believed that he used to bathe in this tank every day during his stay at the fort. The tank has a carved stone spout that resembles a cow’s mouth.

The Kalyan Darwaza: This is one of the main entrances to the fort that faces Kalyan town. It has a huge archway with intricate carvings and sculptures. It also has a small temple dedicated to Goddess Kali near it.

The Khadakwasla Dam: This is a dam on the Mutha river that lies at the base of Sinhagad Fort. It was built by the British in 1879 CE to supply water to Pune city. It offers a scenic view of the fort and the surrounding hills and valleys.

Trekking to Sinhagad Fort

One of the best ways to experience Sinhagad Fort is to trek to it. The fort can be reached by road or by rail from Pune or other nearby places. The road route is about 25 km long and takes about an hour to reach the fort by car or bus. The rail route is about 40 km long and takes about two hours to reach the nearest station, which is Kalyan. From there, one can take a taxi or an auto-rickshaw to the fort.

The trekking route to Sinhagad Fort starts from the base village of Atkarwadi, which is about 3 km from the fort. The trek is about 2.7 km long and takes about an hour and a half to complete. The trek is moderately difficult and involves climbing steep slopes and rocky patches. The trek offers a thrilling and rewarding experience, as one can enjoy the fresh air, the greenery, and the panoramic views of the fort and the surroundings.

The best time and season to visit Sinhagad Fort for trekking and sightseeing is from October to February, when the weather is pleasant and cool.

Activities and Attractions at Sinhagad Fort

Sinhagad Fort is not only a historical and cultural treasure, but also a fun and exciting destination for tourists. There are many things to do and see at the fort, such as exploring the fort ruins, enjoying the panoramic views, camping and trying out local delicacies.

Apart from these activities and attractions at Sinhagad Fort, one can also visit some of the nearby places that are worth exploring. Some of them are Rajgad Fort, Torna Fort and Panshet Lake.

Sinhagad Fort is a historical and cultural treasure that deserves to be visited and appreciated by everyone. It is not only a fort, but also a museum, a park, a campsite, and a picnic spot. It offers a unique and enriching experience that combines history, nature, adventure, and fun. Sinhagad Fort is a place where you can learn about the past, enjoy the present, and dream about the future.

It is a place where you can feel the pride and passion of the Marathas, who fought and died for their freedom and glory. It is a place where you can witness the beauty and diversity of Maharashtra, which is blessed with mountains, rivers, lakes, and forests. Sinhagad Fort is a place that you should not miss when you visit Pune or Maharashtra.

So, what are you waiting for? Plan your trip to Sinhagad Fort today and discover its wonders for yourself.

Sinhagad Fort Reviews

I am very happy to publish this trip as a trip before #Lockdown because this is one of my favorite place near Pune as it make me realize how blessed I am to be the citizen of India, a country where each state has some amazing and interesting history. I know, due to COVID 19 we are not able to explore new places, food and culture.. Sad part.. But we have a lot of memories with us from our past, Isn't it?? So, here I am sharing my memorable one day trip to Kondhana Fort which is the pride of Maharashtra About: Kondhana fort also known as a Sinhagad Fort or Lion's fort of Maratha empire is situated in Sahyadri mountains and is at about 760 meters above sea level. This beautiful fort is strategically located vis-à-vis other forts of Maratha empire such as Rajgad, Purandar and Torana. This fort saw 12 attacks by Mughal and British empires out of which the most popular battle was fought in 1670 by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s Subedar(General) Tanhaji Malusare. However, Shivaji Maharaj lost Tanhaji in this battle and expressed his remorse with the words, "Gad aala, pan Sinha gela"- "The fort is conquered, but the Lion is lost". You can see the Samadhi (Mousoleum) of Tanhaji Malusarein the fort. The famous movie, ‘Tanhaji’ is based on the conquest of this fort. How to reach here? Kondhana fort is situated around 38 kms from Pune. One can reach here by bike, bus or car (own/rented) or by trekking. You can board a bus from anywhere in Pune till Corporation (Manapa) and thereafter you can board PMPML bus number 50 which will take you till Sinhagad Payatha (foothill). Alternately, you can take your own Bike/Car/Rented car and reach here through Sinhagad Village. After reaching here, you can do trekking which is around 3 kms from Sinhagad village or take your vehicle till the fort and park it there. Best Season to go? The best season to visit this fort is monsoon and winter, i.e. from June to February. However, people visit here all around the year as you get to see the beautiful city of Pune from the top of this fort. The night view from the fort is something you just can't miss. Cuisines at Kondhana Fort You can enjoy authentic Maharashtrian food here like Kanda bhaji with chutney, Matka dahi, pithla bhakri, vangyachi bhaji, and also tea, coffee, lime juice and so on Expenditure per person including food It will vary on the basis of how you commute and number of people you are going. We were 5 people and we took our own car. So, the expense was around Rs. 300 per person.
Night trek in Sinhgad, Pune is one of the wonderful experiences in my life which I would never forget. If you are planning for a chilled and an adventure filled trek then a night trek in the mountains that stretches from Katrajto Sinhgad is the best choice. We started the trek around 8pm with a group of nine. Take a cab or bus to reach Katraj Bus stop if you are in Pune city. There are lots of jeeps available nearby the Katraj Bus stand which will drop you at the trekking spot starting point. Just inform the driver to drop at the trekking point; he will drop you at the right spot. Initially it was difficult for us to track the route using GPS, once we were on the right track we all felt like we have entered into a fantasy world. As it was a full moon day, the night looked even brighter and felt the moon is travelling very closely with us. Shining stars, dark clouds, silent valleys, and the lonely mountains made our trek poetic. As we progressed with the trek we had to climb up some sloppy steep peaks which had sharp and hard rocks that made our trek more adventurous. But still there are only few such places which was bit difficult climb up and down. Otherwise it is a very simple trek for regular trekkers. Even though we went on a winter as we walked continually we didn't realize the actual cold. But whenever we stopped for a break it was too cold, the walk kept our body warm. There are plain areas where we can build our tent and camp. As the time took us to the dawn, I saw the Sunrise between the two mountains which I had seen only in television and wallpapers. Once sun emerged it scattered yellowish orange color all over the valley. It was such a visual treat for me.
Everything started with cancellation of my trip to rajmachi . All my dreams came to an end as I really wanted to see those beautiful fireflies over there. I decided if not rajmachi then let's make a move for Sinhgad trek . On Saturday night we finally decided to climb the hill . From sneaking out to dealing with are parents we finally reached Sinhgad at 6:30 and geared up ourselves for the hike. It was quite adventurous but the scorching sun was like a villain to us . It took almost 1- 1:30 hrs to reach the hill top fort. In between we took break for 2-3 times ( not for selfies😂). Sinhgad is indeed something of which punekars should be proud of . The historical importance of this fort and the war between Tanaji malsure and udaybhanu is something everyone must be proud of. Moving ahead , we made a slight change in our plan, Instead of wandering here and there we opt for lunch . If someone is visiting Sinhgad and not having "bhakri pithla"then his/her trip is incomplete . We had delicious pithala- bhakri and dahi . Soon we gained our energy back but this time due to heat we decided to take a taxi and go back to the base village. If you are visiting Sinhgad then be ready for all the amazing points over there . You will definitely find someone who is telling about Chatrapati shivaji maharaj or singing powada. I'll suggest that if you are planning for Sinhgad then post monsoon and winter is best. Budget breakdown - 1. ₹70 for one day bus pass ( you will get buses from shanivarwada and Swargate to Sinhgad) 2. ₹ 60 - For lunch ( pithala- bhakri and dahi) 3. ₹60 - for vehicle from Sinhgad to base village
My favourite part of the entire trip. This place is beautiful in monsoons with tourists and locals flocking this famous spot in pune. This place is especially cramped on weekends thankfully we chose tuesday for this trip and saved ourselves a great deal of pushing and shoving around. The ruins of the fort are located on a hill top. you can drive till the entrance of the fort or trek. Once you reach the entrance the only option is climbing uphill which frankly isn't much at all. As you escalate the temperature starts dropping, and because it was monsoons it got really cold, cloudy and foggy one we reached the hill top.The view from up there is breathtaking,beautiful mountains covered with lush green forests and the sky awash with such vivid colours.But once you have enjoyed the view the cold starts getting to you thankfully there were many shacks there serving hot tea with bhajji and their local cuisine. And i have to emphasise on the food which was so great that i can travel all the way back just for it. A simple homestyle meal but prepared and served with such warmth and love that it takes it to another level. And such great people.We had a great time, the kids had a great time thankfully despite the cold weather!
That was the perhaps one of the weekends which was probably a different one for me; a long awaited reunion with my family in Pune back in 2014. My father was visiting Maharashtra for the third time during his lifetime and he is still active like a youngster to explore serene places. I realized that, after he went ahead leaving all of us (mother, cousin brother and his family) behind during the small trek up to Sinhagad fort. This was my second visit to this beautiful spot which is around 30 kms from Pune. My first visit to Sinhagad fort- which stands perched on a isolated hill of the Bhuleswar range of the Sahyadri Mountains was year earlier in 2013 with friends which was even more interesting but this visit was different. This marvelous piece of architecture built 2000 years ago lies around 40 kms south of city of Pune in India. Mostly famous for the Battle of Sinhagad between Maratha ruler Shivaji Mahara and Jai Singh, Mughal chief and this was the base of Shivji Maharaj. Thought not the best time to visit the fort, however the company along and the lip-smacking dishes like Pithle-Bhakari, Kanda Bhaji and Sweet curd in earthen pots made the trip worthwhile.
Photos of Sinhagad Fort
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