Having exhausted with my daily schedule, social media and too many people that I am surrounded with, I randomly planned a trip. Being bored with the materialistic life among the tall buildings of the cities, I decided to go somewhere among the rustic. After researching few travel websites, I decided that no other place can suit my needs than Auroville, a small settlement in Pondicherry.
Situated 8 km away from Pondicherry, this place offers you with some of the best ingredient that leads you to a soul searching path. It connects you with your conscience. So let's dig a little deeper and find out what it has to offer you.
Auroville :
It is a universal township that serves as a home to about 50,000 population from all over the world. In a world that is constantly at war with each other due to disrespect of differences, Auroville portrays 'unity in diversity.' The place is a perfect embodiment of the rustic life that we crave for somewhere deep down. Away from any type of luxury, you'll find people living a life of utter simplicity. What amazed me more was the fact that inspite of cultural differences, people respect each other and live with peace.
One of the must visit places in Auroville is the Matrimandir. The long towards the Matrimandir, coupled with red sand spread all over, intensifies the beauty of the place. Free your shoes off your foot while walking towards the Matrimandir. It will be altogether a different experience. Throughout the long walk, you'll never feel exhausted. Such is the beauty of the place. You'll feel connected with your inner conscience completely detached from the hustle of the city life. It soaks us into a feeling that most of us desire while our heads sunk into meeting those tight deadlines at our workplaces.
Matrimandir is not just a temple for the Hindu community. It's a place that welcomes people from all community from all round the world. On the outside, its a round golden globe that sparkles with the sunlight. While in the inside, it is divided into twelve meditation rooms each teaching different concepts namely, Sincerity, Humility , Gratitude, Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity, Progress, Courage, Goodness, Generosity, Equality, Peace. The first 8 represent the attitude towards 'Divine' and the last 4 towards 'Humanity'.
Situated away from the main city, Auroville offers you inner peace by soothing your mind. The calmness surrounding Auroville, birds chirping, the simple lifestyle of the community, makes you visit those inner parts of yourself that you refuse to hear amidst the loud cities.
Where to stay in Auroville :
There are list of guest houses in and around Auroville, available at reasonable prices which you may choose during your stay in Auroville. You may choose to stay in the beach area, in the greenbelt or in the main center of Auroville, depending upon your budget and preference. These guest houses are run by the locals. Book them and you'll be amazed to see their hospitality. Also if you are a foodie, these locals take care of all your meals which is totally worth tasting and is different from those luxurious restaurants. Also there are many restaurants nearby offering you sumptuous food.
So if you too are exhausted with your daily messed up life and want the much needed break to charge yourself, make Auroville your next holiday destination.