Travel-a word which contains all the essence of the world and brings out the urge in everyone to loose them-self in the search of their soul. For every individual out there they may have innumerable reasons why they love to travel. Some enjoy the essence of new places, some like to learn, some take it as a chance to relive them-self from their monotonous lifestyle, but for me travel in itself is a lifestyle. With my roots from a beautiful village in the lower Himalayas the natural beauty in abundance was given. The call of the nature might be a way to describe the feeling I have whenever the thought of moving to different places crosses my mind. From the simple life of the village to the grandeur of the city, travelling had granted me the opportunity to learn about the various aspect of life. The beauty of the people residing in the places is also a treat to the eye. The mesmerising beauty of the city or the off beat track which leads to secluded nature’s beauty the satisfaction granted through the small steps sometimes is more precious than the priceless gems. Like a gentle breeze I travel through places taking the essence with me and flying off to the new destination.