Photo of Pranab Basak

Pranab Basak

location iconBarrackpore, West Bengal, India
Born in 1972 at Barrackpore. Started as an amateur photographer from the year 2009. Have won more than 150 National and International award like Humanity Photo Award 2013 by UNESCO, China India Is Global Photography Challenge 2014-Grand Winner IREX International Photo Contest 2013-Grand Winner Winner in IndiaAfrica Photo Contest 2014 Winner in IndiaSerbia Photo Contest 2014 Grand winner in The Photographic Angle Photo Contest 2013 , England Grand Winner in Maison Chance Photo Contest 2013 , Vietnam Winner in Photo Brigade Documentary Photo Award 2012 And many Medals(FIAP , PSA , RPS , UPI , ISF , FSS) from International Photographic Salons. Distinction as Excellence FIAP in 2015.