Mike & Anne have recently returned from a 675-day journey around the world. On this one journey they visited 6 continents, 33 countries, and hung their proverbial hat in 302 different locations. Now that they are back in the USA they run Trip Coach; one-on-one courses, teaching people how to travel long-term, safely, affordably, off the beaten track...creating the most epic world tours you could ever imagine. Their tours are not specific to any one region/location (although they have a veritable treasure trove of amazing tips from the 52 countries they've explored), their tours span the entire globe, and teach you ever skill/tip/trick that you will need to travel long-term on any budget. If you are looking to take a sabbatical, or a gap-year, or just desire for a new outlook on life....reach out to Mike & Anne CONTACT INFORMATION: - TripCoach@HoneyTrek.com - http://www.HoneyTrek.com/TripCoach - Skype: HoneyTrek - Phone: (888) 852-9383