My name is Lindsey Davidson, and I’m a twenty-something girl from a small town in Oklahoma. After high school, Oklahoma State University was my home. {Three cheers for America’s Brightest Orange!} Traveling is something that I have always loved. It didn't matter if it was going off to summer camp, family vacation or a just a weekend get-away. One thing is certain – I love wide-open spaces. I look forward to exploring Oklahoma with a fine toothcomb and my to-do list is rather large! There are so many different things to see, places to stay, boutiques to shop at, and restaurants to visit! Never in a million years would I have guessed that south central Oklahoma would be the place that has my heart. That’s right Chickasaw Country; I have a crush on you! While exploring Chickasaw Country, I am sure to have these three things with me: Snacks—more specifically beef jerky and candy Good music turned up loud (it’s time to pump up the jamz, man!) My camera (I never know when I am going to find something that I want to share with you!) My passion is exploring the thirteen counties that make up Chickasaw Country one day at a time, sharing with you all of my findings. Thank you for letting me be your tour guide! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.