Myself Hemant, natively from Mumbai but I call myself from whole India. I use to find it as a tricky question whenever someone asked me "where I am from?" Why So? Well, I hardly stayed in Mumbai, collectively not more than a year or two. When I visit Bangalore, I will be from Mumbai, when I visit Mumbai, I would be from Nasik when I am in Nasik I would be from Kolkata, and when I am in Kolkata, I would be from Chennai. I have been doing this since childhood. Don't get me wrong. It was because of my father, who is an officer working in Central Armed Forces of India. Despite having a travelling job, his love toward the family couldn't keep him away from us. So, even we would travel with him to different parts of the country and live for 3 - 4 years at every location. We have been doing this since my parents got married. As I use to live there, I use to call myself from there when I visit other places. So, to reduce any confusion I would call myself from India.