After having witness the customary sights of Prague city, my heart knew there was a lot more to this European capital. And yes I did find some hidden gems nestled in the heart of Praha!
Some offbeat things you must definitely do!
Everyone who has been to Germany has captured the colorful Berlin wall in a snapshot, scribbled some graffiti there too. How about for those who haven't yet been there? Yes Prague too has a wall of it own! Especially if you are a fan of Beatles, negotiating your way towards the John Lennon dedicated wall is worth all the time.

This city knows how to quirk up their architecture too! Where else in the world would you get to see this Dancing house? At the look of it, it reminisces of a stance straight from a dance. This Nationale-Nederlanden building is anything but not just one more boring office edifice! I am glad I stopped over to see this Dancing House!

Having explored a handful of the peculiar sights, trying to satisfy my panoramic obsessive soul my search ended at the Letna Park. Built on a plateau and taking quite a climb to get there this was so far one of the best views of the Charles Bridge to witness.

What one doesn't tell you while visiting Prague is about the most unique and unlikely fountain show anywhere in the world. Spend an unforgettable evening by the Krizik Fountain where you can spectate the wunderkind of the dancing fountain. I booked my ticket for the Hans Zimmer musical fountain show which is so powerful in its own way, the staging is accompanied by film projection into the wall of water of the fountain with soundtracks from some of the most famous movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, Gladiator, Pearl Harbor etc. Experience the soundtracks together with a projection from some of my favorite movies the Křižík's fountain evoked a whirl of emotions within me this evening.

On my list was also the Old Jewish cemetery where each crooked tombstone tells a story, crying out its own eerie song. Some speak of massacres, fires, floods while others about scarifies by the Jews during the Thirty Years' War. Yes, there are many stories that these 12,000 tombstones have to tell. Prague Jews were not allowed to be buried outside the ghetto, and the Jewish faith does not permit moving the dead, so the deceased were buried in as many as 12 layers. And you can only feel the depth and intensity of the place once you have walked those grounds.
Moving away from the ethereal feeling I booked myself on a tour in the battered part of Prague to visit the Nuclear Bunker. Yes you heard it right; this ex-Soviet bunker was made during the Cold War, and is located 5 stories under the ground, guess that's what makes it not a popular choice to make a trip here. Unlike me, I am unsure if sighting gas masks, medical kits, and uniforms is what vacationers would want to unearth here. Not for the weak hearted, as the ambience is reminiscent of the paranoia and violence of the Cold War years and it is bound to send a chill down your spine. But visiting this bunker wedged with stories completed my trip to this city.

Having so much to see and so much to do, I am sure you would want to book your tickets to this city next!
Cannot Miss:
- A must watch Krizik Fountain show with the movie soundtrack projections
- Seeing the Dancing house promenading the city
- Visiting the Jewish Cemetery to see the tombstones obscured under 12 layers
- For valiant hearted a must visit to the Nuclear Bunker
GlobeTrotting365Days: Prague August 24th 2012.

This blog was originally published on 'globetrotting365days'