I have a short attention span and find it difficult to read big blogs. In order for people like me to read it easily, I'll break this into multiple posts covering different aspects and different places covered on my trip to Peru. I hope that it would be useful to the readers.
In this blog, I'd like to provide generic details about Peru, what you need to know while visiting this wonderful country.
Do I need a visa for Peru?
Visit to Peru doesn't require a visa for citizens of most American and Western European countries. Indians do not need a visa if you have a valid visa for USA, Canada, UK or Schengen region. For more details, refer http://www.indembassy.org.pe/english/media/2017-14-exemp.html
For other nationalities, I suggest you email, call or visit the Peru embassy at your location to get the details.
This is a foodie paradise. Peru is a place with amazing variety of food. The world's fifth best restaurant in 2017 - Central, is in Lima, Peru.
Some of the popular peruvian dishes are Ceviche, Loma Saltado, Arroz con mariscos, Pachamanca and the exotic Guinea pig and Alpaca meat. Pachamanca (pacha "earth" and manca "pot" ) is a traditional Peruvian dish made by baking marinated lamb, chicken, pork or guinea pig along with potatoes, corn and other vegetables with the help of hot stones. Unfortunately, I didn't get to try this on my visit to Peru, but I'd surely like to try it the next time I'm there.

Pisco is an alcohol which is popular in Peru. Popular pisco cocktails are Pisco Sour, the national drink (classic and other flavors), Chilicano (its like a moscow mule with Pisco, available in different flavors)
Chica Morada, a non alcoholic drink made from purple corn
Mate de coca, tastes like green tea, is a herbal tea made from the leaves of the coca plant. It is widely consumed to treat altitude sickness at Cusco and Machu Picchu. For those who aren't aware (met a lot of people who didn't know it), it is the same plant, the extracts from which are used to make cocaine. Drinking a cup of coca tea could test you positive on a Cocaine test.
Beer (Cerveza in spanish). The major brands are Pilsen Callao, Cristal and Cusqueña.

The currency used in peru is Peruvian Sol
You need not exchange your currency in your local country, the exchange rate at Lima airport and within Lima or Cusco city are pretty good.
Where do I buy a local sim card for my cell phone?
If you're from the US, T-mobile have some post paid plans that provide free unlimited 3G internet on international roaming.
Claro and Movistar are popular cellphone network providers in Peru. Airport is pretty expensive, if you have time, I would suggest getting one in the city.
Spanish is the language spoken in the country. Though a lot of people speak english or at least understand it, you would be good if you could learn a little spanish to get your way with locals.
Travel agencies in Peru who could plan your trip
I used Peru tourism, but the other two are pretty good as well