Travelling alone for the First time! I know the jitters, the apprehensions, the nights of planning and so on. Believe me in India we girls always need someone to rely on or a group. And trust me its OK to feel all those stuff that I have stated. When I first boarded the flight to Paris my feet went cold because I had all those things running in my head. What will happen once I land? What if I get lost? What if I run out of cash? What if it gets stolen and so on? Although nowadays girls and women have started travelling on their own.So I have listed some do's and don'ts which I hope will be handy for you all

The first step is the most difficult one. But once you make up your mind believe me you are set. Start researching about the place, its culture, language, safety (that's the most important), currency, transport, VISA rules and so on. Many countries have Visa on Arrival, many like Turkey have e-Visa and others like the regular procedures. Also research how many days will it take for the Visa to process. If you are travelling to Europe then you will need a Schenegen Visa. And the easiest way is to apply it through France or Germany which takes a minimum of four days to process. Some countries like Spain may take minimum of 15 days to process. If you are travelling solo the Map is your best friend. Check the train routes and bus routes and availability. Also check the timings and the time taken in the journey otherwise you will end up being exhausted. Keep ample time in between to relax and shop and look around to make your journey memorable. Its not only about tourist hopping sites. If you are budget travelling avoid hotels and check in apartments. Apartment living is easy, affordable plus you can get all benefits and off course cook. You can refer to Air Bnb, Agoda Apartments to name a few. Most Importantly you must have a working sim while travelling abroad. Remember In abroad everything is digital and cashless. So for booking cabs or tickets via online you will need to have a working sim if you want to have the OTP. However if you are planning for a longer duration its best to take a local sim. You can avail city passes for discounts in not only travelling but also at tourist spots. City passes are available in airports and all tourist locations. Remember in abroad everything happens on time so no late show else you will miss your trains and bus. Its wise to carry travel cards apart from cash. But also have an international credit/debit card for emergency. Often Indian bank international card have technical glitches Google Maps is a good bet for showing the fastest route options. However check the areas well enough. Because sometimes the shortest route may not be the safest route Always avoid alleys and dark subways if travelling alone and avoid talking to strangers. Go and visit the Local Tourist Information Place of any location and they will guide you the best options available. Always carry your passport with you, don't ever leave it in the hotel or apartment. Also make double copies of all your travel documents and also store them in Dropbox or Google Drive To avoid pick pocketing don't carry your cash in the back pocket or side pocket. Carry a small bag or wallet and put it in the front. Always check the reviews of the locations, hotels, eateries etc. For currency exchange avoid airports as their the rates will be always lower compared to others. And lastly stride with confidence. Believe me it really helps!