The best of the trips are unplanned as they say. Well as for the trip to Paris, France it was certainly not that. However let me give a rude warning at the very beginning of this blog. I did find Paris nice but not overwhelmingly amazing and certainly dirty. This is where the story of the Paris trip begins with a journey which definitely had the Eiffel Tower, a brew in a cafe for the ordinary part of the story. Going on from Bremen during my student exchange trip there in 2014 visiting Paris was like a contradiction.
A big city with typical problems of the urban and the city streets wet during DECEMBER and a tad slippery as well as unclean for the European standards was all a bit too much for the first visit. Touts, illegal immigrants welcome yo around the Eiffel tower trying to sell knick knacks or souvenirs in a hurry avoiding the police is another sight. Not to forget that the illegal immigrants who are selling their souvenir pieces can surprise the Indians with their Hindi picked from million other Indian tourists. The view from top of the Eiffel Tower surely cannot be missed as it marks Paris as the city of lights with the river seine there.
Louvre is another ball game altogether with a queue that is well expected to witness the Monalisa. As crazy as it may seem I did not venture for that one and the real thing to witness would be the cosmopolitanism of Paris with North African culture of Arabs brought in mixing with African cultures surrounding the White French system. A real melting pot of the many colonized parts of French empire in today's French Republic is truly found in Paris. The old streets with the old style stations of France where modern TGV trains runs would be a testimony to this.
Paris did not make me fall in love with the city and neither do I see it as capital of love albeit it has its mark of being a literary powerhouse written all over. The French are proud people even if their sweet language can make it seem "sissy" (pardon) is found in the way Paris is built as the city which has been there from the long and torrid history long back before French Revolution is what really mattered to me in the trip to Paris.