Somewhere in the late 18th century, when people of Paris started having some health issues with the overflowing cemeteries in the city, a decision was taken to transfer their contents to an underground site.
The remains were transferred to an unground tunnel network, which now holds the remains of over 6 million people.
Yes, these are real skulls and bones.

I wonder whom does she guard in a place like this

Some famous (or infamous) characters from history who call the catacombs their final resting place include Jean-Paul Marat, one of the Revolution's most radical voices, and Maximilien de Robespierre, an influential figure during both the Revolution and the subsequent Reign of Terror.
Let's take a virtual tour of this place.

Get welcomed by the souls that live here

Throughout your walk, they keep an eye on you.

And then there are special sections. They are artistic.

And some areas, are sill locked. I wonder why!

If you're walking and you spot someone, you can never be sure if it's a real human being or not. Just kidding!

Is there someone sitting on the chair?

Really? I didn't have the courage to ask whom is she guarding.