Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh

21st Feb 2020
Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Khujuraho is very much known for its Erotic sculpture temples and I wasn't surprised when I found Kamasutra books and erotic souvenirs on sale right outside the temple . Located in MadhyaPradesh Khujuraho is land of Architectural marvel dating back to 12th century . Famous for group of majestic temples of nagara style architecture built by the Chandela Dynasty. Khujuraho got its name due to the presence of date/ palms trees ( khajura - vahika ). Khujuraho has become a major touristy place in MadhyaPradesh. They are now a UNESCO world heritage site. These temples have  richly carved statues , while they are famous for erotic sculpture , sexual theme covers only 10% of the temple sclupture.

Day 1

We took a train from Nizamudin Railway station from Delhi to Khujuraho. It was an overnight journey by three girls on their budget trip. Talking about the train ride , it was a sleeper train , freaking damn cold night. We didn't sleep properly , a child was crying whole night and early morning , she was playing " papa kehta on song " on repeat.

Train memories , chai and baatien !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Budget travellers , one such uncomfortable night !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Greeting the first ray of light !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

We checked into moustache hostel.( Pretty decent hostel ). After a quick shower and breakfast , we were all set for our first day. Places to see were ( Western group of temples , Eastern part , Southern part, two Museums ( Archeological and Tribal ) ,Raneh water fall , tiger park , sunset point and the village tour.

Hostels is my home !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Inside in a Jain temple

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

A Jain nun offering prayer to the diety !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

We nailed this picture. Thanks to the gardener !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

A good start of the day!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Places to see !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

A Jain nun doing her daily chores !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Tirthankars !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

old Jain temple !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Khujuraho temples follow a grid geometrical design and symmetrical . The core of the temple called garbhagriya , where the main deity dwell. The shikara rises above the garbhagriya. The mandapas and the art forms were repeating symmetry , yet they were distinctive. Famous temples -
Eastern Group :  The kandariya Mahadevi temple ( the largest temple of Khujuraho of medival period, Main deity Shiva ) , Vamana temple ( dedicated to Vishnu ) , Brahmana temple ( made up of granite and sandstone ), Adjnath , parsvanath and shantinath were the famous Jain temples .
Southern group :
Duladeo  temple ( probably the last temple built in 12th century) , chatra buhi temple.
Western group: The most prominent one , it is highly advice to look for guide to get to know in detail about this rich temples. ( This govt. Guide charged us 1000 bucks for three people). Temples includes Chusath yogini temple on  the side of  small artificial shivsagar tank . It is the most oldest temple in Khujuraho. Dedicated to kali and female yoginis.
Matangesvara temple ( the only alive temple where people still worship , an enormous linga enshrined in the sanctum, Varaha temple ( visnu's Varaha or boar )carved out of a monolithic sandstone , Lakshamana temple, one of the most beautiful temple carved  with shell and floral motifs and the most famous among all Kandriya mahavdevi temple , mahavdevi and the vishwanth temple follows.

UNESCO world heritage site

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

The emblem of the Chandela Dynasty !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Details of the architectural Marvel !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Antiques hopping outside the temple compound.

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Khujuraho !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Apeksha Sharma is my go to girl !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Laxminath temple !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon
Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon
Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon
Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon
Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Erotica !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon
Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Boar Visnu's Vahan

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon
Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

After a whole day exploring the temples we had our lunch and went to see one of the most beautiful sunsets of our lives. An auto ride to the hill via village with green fields  everywhere , herds of cattle blocking your way, away from the city's traffic and chaos it was the best gateway of our lives. We reached to the top and were overwhelmed by the 360° view and the golden hour was the best thing. We were dancing , singing and were enjoying the moment .

Best sunset ever !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

A happy kid chasing sunsets in different places !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Chasing sunsets with the gang !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Khujuraho sunset !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Lunch scene !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Lunch scene by the lake !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Dusk !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

The evening was followed by a Tribal dance show by MadhyaPradesh Tourism.

Day 2

For our second day we took a long auto ride of 22 km from Khujuraho to Raneh fall through the rural Khujuraho , with fields running as far as our eyes can see and empty roads. Raneh fall is a part of Panna National park , so we had to arrange a forest guide had to pay forest entry fees . When we reached we were left awestrucked by the " Indian version if the grand canyon " and the Raneh fall.  We were literally screaming and were so happy to be there. Raneh fall was named after king Rane Pratap. The unique features of the canyon made that place more special. The canyon was formed due to volcanic eruptions long time back and it was abode to Kavarati river also known as Ken river . Canyon was made up of igneous rocks (granite and dolomite ) Like all the other places in Khujuraho there were very less tourists or visitors. These were lesser known destinations.  Even in the market we found very less tourists and everything was underrated and locals  were very humbled and kind .   Few kilometers away from the Canyon there was also a Tiger reserve.

Panna National park !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

The girls trip !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

The Grand canyon of India

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Been there , Done that !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Raneh fall at the back !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon
Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Happy kid

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Girls have made it !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

The rest afternoon was spent on hopping Museums , one ASI ( Archeological Survey of India ) and another Tribal Museum followed by a village tour where we interact with the locals , danced with the locals kids and had so much fun.  Sadly we had to leave the place as another destination was waiting for us. Next stop Orchaa !! See you all in the Orcha blog !

Khujuraho roads ! Clean and zero traffic with scenery !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Singing with the winds !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Village tour !

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Finding Solace in the beauty of Village

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Tribal Museum

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Tribal art!!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Tribal. Beauties !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

ASI Museum

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Antiques hopping

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Until next time Khujuraho

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Waiting for the next stop !!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Khajuraho !! Thank you everything!

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Straight from Ddlj

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon

Village tour scene ! A lady is serving me local wine ( Tadi )

Photo of Beyond the Erotic Hype : Khujuraho #thefirstone MadhyaPradesh by Urgan spaldon