This is a photographic introduction to a place called Pangot, nestled among the Kumaoni hills in the beautiful Himalayan state of Uttarakhand , India. Still relatively unknown to the average Indian tourist, this place is famous amongst birders, worldwide. The all - engulfing human influence has given this place a miss, and our avian friends rule here....the planet of the Aves.

Prominent among the easily sighted birds here, is the Black headed Jay. Quite noisy by nature, they are good posers too. The dense forests around Kafal House- a nice hotel at Pangot, are always lively, thanks to these beauties. You shall also find Khalij Pheasants, Russet's sparrows, Verditer Flycatchers, Drongos, Partridges, Whistling Thrushes, Laughing Thrushes, barbets, Magpies and so many more!!!

It was late in the afternoon and we were sitting inside a hideout, overlooking a waterhole for the birds. Suddenly a flock of White Throated Laughing Thrushes invaded t he premises....and oh boy !! Were they mischievous !!! They brought he whole place alive, screeching, jumping, clawing at undergrowth and over growth...!!!! That evening, we were also visited by black necked tits, Scimitar Babblers and Khalij Pheasants.

The road to Pangot winds up through dense forests till KunjKharak (at about 9000 ft), where there is British era forest rest house. All along this road, there are numerous view points and bird sighting areas. One such place is Sigri, a puny hill hamlet. There is a beautiful place to stay at Sigri by the name Kampland Nainital. The property overlooks a lush green valley, and birding is great here itself. Occasionally, a great Indian barbet flies across the valley like a brilliant green flash, with its signature call disturbing the serene silence.

The Oriental Turtle Dove is a cousin of the Common Dove. But, unlike the latter, it is very pretty. They are quite easy to spot, as the altitude increases. Your guide may strive hard to spot the elusive Cheer Pheasant (the Hero in these parts!!) without success and you might feel unlucky not to have spotted one. But you must learn to appreciate the numerous other avian species around, each unique and beautiful in their own way.

{This is first attempt at creating a photo story. Please leave comments as you may find appropriate.}

Few tips : There are some staying options at Pangot which include the famous Jungle Lore Birding Lodge and Kafal House. There are few homestays and hotels too, but very few. Up ahead at Sigri, there is the beautiful Kampland Nainital. If you are industrious and eager enough, you may also look to book the British era forest bungalow at Kunjkharak.