“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain
and You find happiness..... well this is Aruba. Usually for Asians its kind of a shocker to hear the name for the first time! It is a tiny Dutch Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela. You get there usually via long flights, with a hop over Netherlands. Sunny beach, white sands, cheery winds, serenity is all-embracing.
The most alluring part of this island is the smiling people. Aruba is indeed a place of happiness.
When to Visit: January to march is the best although its pricey being the touristic season. April to august would relieve the pocket.
What to expect: beach, beach and beach. Beach sports, sea-side resort, Local entertainments (Dance, amusements, Drama etc.). You might come across, sporadically though, the iguanas roaming on the road. Nothing to be afraid of :) .
Which Area is good to stay: Palm Beach, Aruba area is captivating not only because of the lovely resorts around but also the road itself offers a lot sight-seeing for eg. local dance-drama at times, lovely road-side shops for souvenirs, sundry food choices, and of course the happy people around.