Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the most courageous of them all?
Answer: The women from Punjab and Telangana.
Yes! According to a recent report published by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, the state of Punjab ranks first when it comes to single women travellers, followed by Telangana.

The report titled 'Key Indicators of Domestic Tourism in India' provides interesting data on women travelling alone in the country.
Despite the lack of safety and the prevalent notion that women are more vulnerable on their own, 40 per cent of all single member overnight trips in India were by women. The percentage was actually higher in rural India (41 per cent) and marginally lower in cities (37 per cent).
Punjab has the distinction of having the most single woman travellers in all of India – 66 per cent of single member trips were by women from Punjab, followed by Telangana, where about 60 per cent of all single member trips were by women.
And if you think that woman only travel to shop, let me burst your bubble. The report suggests that only 17 percent of the trips completed in the last 365 days by solo women travellers were for shopping. Most trips were made for reasons of health or leisure.

She's breaking free from stereotypes that define her quintessential self. She speaks her mind, bravely follows her heart and gives a damn to those who remind her of the glass ceiling. She's beautiful, intelligent and independent. She's everywhere, all set to write her own rules and be the empress of her own free will. This is the new age woman, and when she steps out in the sunshine, our world becomes brighter with every step she takes. Go girls!