Welcome back,
Beautiful people, here I am once again to tell you about my incomplete trip story of Kedar Gauri.
As, I have told you the poetic history of the Kedar gauri in my previous trip article.
It was about the two loved once whose love never died and in the form of temple they become Immortals.

It is a very fascinating story like "Romeo Juliet". Unfortunately, it is not at all the truth.
The real story begins, when The "adiyogi" Lord Shiva just fed up of with his family in Kailash and wanted to have some space from his family for a while.
One of his favorite place in this world is The jungle of Ekamrakanan which is now the capital city of Odisha.

He went to this place and starts his Tapasya(meditation) without any intimation to his wife Lord Parbati The "Shakti".
He stayed there for a long period of time because of which Maa Parbati started to worrying and She asked Lord Narada if he could know where her husband Lord Shiva is and if not then requested to find him.
As Lord Narada is the God's messenger. He started his quest and found Lord Shiva in the peaceful jungle of the Ekamrakanan.
By finding his lord there he asked why Lord?
Why are you here, why don't you get back to your family?
Maa parbati is in deep sorrow, please come back to Kailash.

Lord Shiva replied, Dear Narada now I am in a state of mind where I want to live alone for a while, you dare not to tell anyone about me and not even to Parbati.
As Lord Shiva said this to Narada, he obeyed his Lord and vanished from there.
After some times Maa Parbati got to know that Narada knew where Lord Shiva is and questioned him in an angry mood about his husband.
Looking at the scarier(vikatala rupa) image of the Shakti.
Lord Narada answered every thing to Maa.

By getting to know about her husband, Maa without wasting any time rushed there.
Lord Shiva was meditating there, by looking at her husband she started crying and hearing the cry of his beloved wife, Lord Shiva also weep a little as he was also meeting his beloved wife after a long period of time.

After a while when they both met each other and their all sorrowful feelings disappeared, they both started feeling thirsty.
According to Padma puran, Lord Shiva prayed to Lord Vishnu for the quench of their thirst as there was no water source near to that area.
Lord Vishnu told Shiva to go to the near by place and with the help of his Trisul to the ground to that particular area he will have the water.
Lord Shiva did the same as told by Lord Vishnu and by the result they create "Bindusagara".

After Quenching of their thirst. Lord Shiva decided to live there with maa parbati.
There he is known as lingaraj.

As he lived there, He invites his Father in Law Raja Dakhsa and Maa Parbati's little sister Maa Gauri there. He makes them stayed there a few distance from Lingaraj temple which is known as "Kedargauri".
Raja Dakhsa lives there but Lord Shiva does not want to keep the name of the place after his father in law that's why Kedar the another name of Lord Shiva and Maa Gauri is Parbati maa's little sister. So, The name is famed as Kedar Gauri.

Every year Lord Shiva and Maa Parbati celebrates there marriage anniversary here. There is a mandap where people celebrate their marriage and we believe that they come here to marry each other every year on the auspicious day of chaturdashi of krishna pakhsa.
So I think that you get to know a little about this holy place of Lord Shiva who loves this place and stayed here in my hometown Bhubaneswar.
Beautiful "KEDARGAURI". 12 century.