"It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight." -Nobokov
Love, the purest form of emotion a man can ever conceive. It binds us, yet sets us free. It is a world full of paradox. The flames of love not only sparkles our world, but also provides it with a calming effect. It is everlasting and yet momentary. This love has a sense of completeness and purity. Such is my love. Such is my love for MY soul place 'Odisha'. I call it my second home! People who know me, know of my love for it. It isn't mere a geographical place, but something too precious for me.
When I turn back the pages of my life. There comes one fine purely destined day when I got introduced to it by my dad. Since then, there has never been any 'looking back'. Six years back, the very moment I placed my feet on this lovely land of warm people. I promised my beloved to meet him atleast once in a year span. It was all sanguine, the vibes of this place were different from what all I had experienced till then and now. After a two hour journey from Bhumbaneswar, there lies a super vibrant hamlet called 'Puri'. This was my moment of love at first sight. Quite self assuring, quite chirpy and had a tinge of every possible emotion. A long array of it ran down my spine. I had gulped in every possible good vibe ay human can take. After getting our luggage settled in the hotel room we ran barefoot to the beach that was adjacent to our stay. It was a dark evening, with stars winking at us from above. We walked and walked to find clusters of self sustained eateries and and a mini market. Along the roads there were numerous localities and tourists. The Hare Krishnas singing and dancing on the road added a charming effect to it.
The simplicity of people took my heart over. There is a reason to everything and this was mine for falling in love with Odisha. It made me discover my spirituality and how joyous lucidity can be. Ample of spots like Chilika Lake, Shree Jagannath, Nandankanan adds cherry to the cake. This place is a lifelong commitment to me. Nothing can part us away. I've been to countless places. But wherever I go, this place follows me and I follow it. It is a tale of eternal love! And maybe this is how love is supposed to be, totally irreplaceable and unique. Unfailingly, we meet every year. With fresh memories and perpetual promises. Every meeting feels like the utmost and everlasting.
When asked about love, I know what it is because. Yes, I'm in love. I'm in love with my soul place.