'Little Ooty' - A Scenic place near Attur , Salem District which is named behind Ooty for it's nature , climate and experience.
It is a 3000 acre Farm Land right beneath the mountain range which make is even more beautiful. The workers in that place claim that ' The place has almost all the varieties of Flowers , Furits , Vegetables and other trees that exists in the World'.
The place is well maintained , has a road for every trees for ex. Mango road has mango trees , Amla road has Amla tress and similarly Bamboo , Banyan etc...
Apart from farming , one can see domestic animals being taken care like Horse , Cow , Hen , Fish , Rabbit, Dogs etc....
One has to get permission before even going there and is free of cost. Nature lovers can spend a day here and a common man can spend 3-4 hours peacefully at this place.
"A Perfect day out with the Nature" , Utter peace & What more is required ...