Hello every one, this is one day trip with our friends, to explore The king of Esthran Ghats " The Mighty Mahendragiri Hills" which is 2nd heighest peak of Odisha, with an altitude of 1501 Mtrs from sea level,
As per indian mythology, these are the Hills, Were Pandavas stayed at the time of vanavasa, this is one the heritage place of India, the structures of this temple were really mind blowing, this temples were build by pandavas, these are single stone temples sculptured by one hands of pandavas, in this place we can see 3 different temple structures 1. Kuntidevi temple
2.Arjuna temple
3.Bheema temple
At time of olden days piligrims go by walk these entire hills to reach this temples, mainly at the time of "Maha siva ratri" rest of the days this place was very calm and isolated.
Coming to our trip we are the 8 members started by our cars, which is 2 hrs drive from our home town, I m the only person to went many times, so I m the guide of our batch, we are from a peculiar place that is Andhra Odisha border, we are from Andhra but with in a drive of 10 mints we can reach to Odisha, these Hills are located in Andhra Odisha border, now a days rodes were built up to the peak of the hills, from there we should treak 500mts to reach the heighest peak of the hill.
It Is a rainey day, and roads are in the tuff condition, so we driven our vehicles very carefully, this is the place, we won't get any facilities to stay or any thing to eat, so we took our camping tents and all food items to cook to stay one nite and spend some time with mother nature.
While driving in the Ghat section, in the heavy rain and fog due to Highest elevation it became very hard to complete our last 7kms drive, after crossing all odds, we reached our disteny " The king of Eastern Ghats" we prepared our camp near Arjuna temple, were the road ends at that point, we started our drive at evening 4.00 pm and reached at 6.30 pm, our friends mesmerized by feeling unbelievable change of climate ( very foggy & very cool) our place is moderate climate, but only 2hrs drive we enjoyed the coolest climate, 1st we started camp fire, then we prepared food, soups, noodles, snacks omelets etc etc, after having our dinner, we enjoyed the climate with some music and spending some fun time with our friends upto late nites, then we went to our camping tents to sleep.
Next day morning we woke with good music and hot coffe, by sipping coffe we enjoyed mother nature, then we had some hot soup, after having our break fast, we started our treak through greenish trees, small streams some hard rocks, finally we reached the highest peak of Mahendragiri, we reached Lord Bheema temple, and had some peaceful time, and return back to our tents, it took nearly 2 hrs to cover and return back from the heighest peak, again we had some break fast, to over come our hunger, due to burning more calories while treakking, finally we packed our tents and our backpacks, we left this place and taking lovable memories with us.
Those who love adventure rides and nature lovers please try this treak, which gives you positive energy and good memories, you can reach to this place frome berhampur (Ganjam dist odisha) or parlakimidi (Gajapathi Dist Odisha) from north or east u can preffer your route from Berhampur from south India, you can reach by visakapatnam, srikakulam (Andhrapradesh) then enter into (odisha) Parlakimidi, after choosing route you should drive nearly 2 hrs to reach the disteny.
I suggest to carry your food, water and camping tents with you, in that place we won't get anything to eat or stay, dont miss the sun rise,best time to watch is from November to February.
Thank u one and all