Koilighughar Waterfall.......One of the renowned waterfall in the district of jharsuguda .This waterfall is located in the lakhanpur block of jharsuguda district in state of odisha. Recently govt has showered its flagship programme for its full phase development to convert this place into tourist attraction & meanwhile spending a lot of penny to conserve its natural ecosystem & resources flourishing around this place.
From Jharsuguda town to koilighughar its total of around 55 km. From jharsuguda town U have to move forward to belpahar ( which is 31 km ) & from there taking straight road to kusmelbahal village & finally to koilighughar waterfall.
Best time to visit this place is from november to february of the year but apart from that this place is open throughout the year.As a nature lover like me, I frequently have a visit to this site to refill my mind & heart with positive vibes. When you are here you will find the burble noise of stream, along with the pleasing sound of water birds echoes throughout the environment.Special Attention for Bird watcher & lovers .....its a great place for bird watching & photography.Most people halt here for trekking & panaromic photography view of this area.This place is must hit & fav place for picnic spot & also in terms of adventure ground.
This place well known for the shiva linga which lies beneath the rocks within the streams as their is saying Shiva lingas arise in between the rocks & later people established a shiva temple near by as a memorial for its emergence.This shiva linga also called by the name 'maheshwarnath'.Everytime there is a great alluring & assemblance of people at the time of Shivaratri.Fair is organised on the occasion of shivaratri of every year.Here Shiva lingas become noticeable only during the summer & specially at the time of shiva ratri because most of the time its remain submerged in water.A special arrangement is made where you can feel the lingas by stretching your hands in between the rock stream. Mathas is also established where monks resides, all u can say spirituality enhances this beauty of this place.
Hopes this place soon going to beat other places in term of waterfall in state wise.All must have to visit this place & put this in your bucketlist for the next trip.