Ethiopia’s wealth of historic sites and an identity defined by its own history and diverse cultures rather than by colonialism is what distinguishes it from most other African destinations.
The well-known historian Conti-Rossini called Ethiopia as "a country of mosaic of cultures." For the basic reason that, in the country, 83 languages and 200 dialects are spoken and You find these people living in harmony with diversity – all having their own costumes, religions, rituals, festivals, hair styles, songs, dances and arts - all unique in their own way.
I, therefore, believe that the following 6 Days tour programs open an extraordinary opportunity to meet some of the more remote ethnic groups of the fascinatingly diverse areas surrounding the Omo River in South West Ethiopia. So, with the following itineraries we will look in to this fascinating region with an aim to learn about the varied ethnic groups who inhabit the region; to list a few- THE MURSI, renowned for their lip-plates, THE KONSO, famous for their terraced farming and THE HAMER, famous for their bull jumping ceremony (rite of passage ceremony).
WELCOME To The journey through one of Africa's least explored country!!!