|.Skyscrapers. Avenues. Picturesque Streets. Mouth Watering Food. Shopping. Fun. Madness. Crowd. Diversity. Beauty. All Smiles.|
Need I Say More?

One winter evening in New York City! New York, the place I fell head over heels in love with, way before I visited it. Everything about it felt ethereal. Talk about the spine chilling breeze or the aroma of freshly baked cookies and cupcakes and melted chocolate which enveloped the air. As the sun set, the few thin strips of clouds turned shimmering white. Men and women, from all walks of life kept walking along the five foot ways of both sides of the buzzing street. A pair of headlights came bouncing on the road, blinding me temporarily before passing and disappearing. But standing amidst the wide avenues, all I could wonder was how someday, I too will rise to the top, like a skyscraper.

The child inside us never dies. The child that tells us that it's okay to hog on chocolates the day we are feeling a little low, the child that tells us to let go of everything and give life another chance! The child that teaches us that imperfections are beautiful and every moment should be lived with absolute zeal.

Well, maybe it's true how people say it? Sometimes we find love in the most unexpected places. As the door swung open at 6am, I witnessed the most beautiful sight of my life! Everything glistened like a fairy had sprinkled her dust over the entire place. It was straight out of a Disney movie I spent all my childhood longing for. The icy air whistled around my ears and every step I took left a snow footprint so fresh, it made me wonder if I were the only person to have ever been there. It was one of those moments I wish I could've frozen. It was not merely the beauty of the place but the way it made me feel. So special!

Shopping in New York City was so much fun! I loved everything to bits!

Oh, Skyscrapers! You're more than an eye-candy. You can light up an entire city to life!

|The Lights. The Crowd. The Magic.| I fell in love with the people lined up to buy the broadway show tickets, I fell in love with the majestic billboards that lit the place like heaven. I fell in love with the smell of soft pretzels and honey roasted nuts from the carts on the corner, I fell in love with the limousins which had time to wait for no other. I fell in love with the vibe which was a find as rare as gold. Oh boy! I was all in love with the soul of New York!

Entering the UN General Assembly Hall had always been my dream. I couldn't thank my stars enough when I finally made it. What made me happiest was the fact that I living not one, but two of my best dreams at a single glimpse of time. The first one that you're already aware by now and the second that I was representing my school and nation at an international platform. The sense of pride and responsibility was beyond imaginable. I couldn't be any more thanful for all the beautiful memories I made and the inter-mingling of cultures which led to one of my biggest learning experiences.

Those 4 days in New York City and a total of 15 days in the States were the most beautiful days of my life! As I looked down from the window pane, I knew a part of me will forever crave for it! I didn't know when I'd be back but I definitely knew for sure that even if I didn't return, I'd forever be indebted to this place for blessing me with the most beautiful memories ever! Because not everything is meant to last forever, but if you're lucky enough to have your eternity in a numbered days, there's no greater sense of happiness and gratitude than that.