New York & Tinder gonna make you seriously happier!

Photo of New York & Tinder gonna make you seriously happier! 1/2 by Joydip Hazarika

#SwipeRightToTravel Tinder Tinder !! What a wonder !! I have been using Tinder for quite sometime now and am so comfortable with it now. I always have had issues facing or approaching the fairer sex face to face and somehow never could do it. But Tinder changed all that and an approach in the virtual world followed by a meeting in the real world, actually revolutionized me and completely changed my world especially while making friendships with the opposite sex. Tinder has helped me overcome my inhibitions, self-doubt and total lack of confidence in this aspect in ways unfathomable. Yes technology has not only made lives easier, better, but also has uncomplicated and helped things become possible in a different ways! Had Tinder been not there, I could have been forced to become a bisexual!! Period!!

I have used Tinder in India, but an issue is there, wherein I find no one near me especially initially and was disappointed enough to uninstall it after sometime. Whenever I used to travel in India in different cities, I used to use Tinder but was not satisfied somehow. There were good lucky matches sometimes, but things somehow never worked out for me!! Then I had to go to New York for some work and yes this was the perfect opportunity for me to use Tinder in the land of opportunities. America mesmerized me and Tinder stunned me too. It seemed entire New York was on Tinder and I was like God, please help me to meet someone nice here. I used Tinder and after some serious hard work, came across the profile of Melanie Urban, an American angel! I swiped right and kept my fingers crossed and instinctively I Super Liked her too. The best thing was I was put up in New York for a decent time & had some time. Well I kept waiting for the Tinder notification & would keep on obsessively checking my phone, but there was no initial response. Sadly, I concluded that my only Super Like was a waste. I got back to my work and got so engrossed in it that I totally forgot about my new “Super Like” crush and it was almost end of day. New York was seriously cold and I was preparing to leave to my hotel near Times Square. But God has surprises stored in for you and this one was no different. I just checked my cell for a message notification from a friend back in India and after replying, saw a Tinder notification. Wow, the surprise that was in store for me, reaffirmed my faith in the adage “God helps those who help themselves” and guess what, I was “Super Liked” too and I was just blown over. I couldn’t believe my eyes! Is this for real?

I really needed time to sink in and the feeling was surreal. Even though I wanted to start a conversation right away, I just held on my nerves and waited a bit. After some time, I messaged her and to my utter surprise, a very matured and friendly conversation took place and I realized that she did find me interesting and witty!! Why not, I was at my creative best and did my best to impress upon her. The next day too messages were exchanged and I was very careful enough not to rush things and did not ask her out. Moreover I was very new in New York and really had no idea about the happening places out there. I am a big fan of Hard Rock Cafes around the world and the HRC New York was just a few yards away from my hotel and so I always wanted to take Melanie to there first. Well the time finally arrived to ask her out and I did so and yes, she was courteous enough to accept my invitation. We met for the first time in Times Square in New York and exchanged pleasantries and it was a wonderful experience!! We then went to HRC New York which was nearby, wherein I had booked a table for us and I don’t remember how around two hours went by. She was really impressed with my conversational skills and I made her laugh quite a bit with my stupid jokes. I was the first guy from India that she had ever met and she found India very intriguing. I requested her, if she could show around New York and she readily agreed to my request.

Photo of New York & Tinder gonna make you seriously happier! 2/2 by Joydip Hazarika

I was on cloud 9 after the first meeting and we exchanged our numbers. The next day was a Saturday and we met early morning in my hotel and had a sumptuous breakfast. Then we went out. We first started with the spots nearby, The Grand Central Terminal, Empire State Building, Top of The Rock, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, One World Trade Center, Intrepid Sea Air & Space Museum, and the list is simple endless. The icing on the cake was a visit to the speakeasy Garfunkel’s where access is only though a secret code really thrilled me and yes this was the idea of Melanie, which really blew me over. The most awesome part in the evening was the New York Dinner Cruise with Buffet. It is a fun dinner cruise that floats around New York Harbor and Manhattan offering stunning views of the city and some of the world's most famous landmarks, from the Statue of Liberty to the Brooklyn Bridge to the Empire State Building. Indulging in a delicious buffet dinner and then we grooved to the onboard DJ'ed music being spun. And this was my surprise to her. I only wish I could have stayed longer in New York with Melanie Urban, but had to return to India!

New York and Melanie Urban have been the best thing ever till date in my life and I had the time of my life in New York. I not only enjoyed New York but also befriended an amazing girl and we are still very good friends and all this happened thanks to the one and only Tinder!! The only thing that reassures me is that I still got Tinder with me for a new adventure once again. God bless Tinder! God bless Melanie Urban and God bless America! Cheers..