My NewYork City Love Letter!

31st Jan 2021
Photo of My NewYork City Love Letter! by Pritee Phadnis
Day 1

Dear NewYork City,

A late well known artist, Alexander Woollcott, once said, "You haven't lived until you died in New York."
Well, that sums it all why I'm sitting in a cozy apartment 1000 Miles away from you, and still think of every minute I spent in your vicinity. Apparently, I was just another visitor of mere 3 months but it was enough to fall in Love with you or can I say "You succeeded to put a spell on me"

Loving NewYork is not a easy task. Ofcourse it can be overwhelming and daunting to be at  one of the most expensive Cities in the world, The expensive hotels and their closed blackout shades to keep out the neon glow, the sky- high cocktail prices, fast and diverse lifestyle can be, well, a lot to take. but one will always be happy with his $1 pizza slice which he/she just bought for dinner while enjoying and admiring the beauty around the every corner.

There can be heartbreak when you find that your favourite restaurant is shuttered just right after the week you were there chugging on couple of beers, or no more serves the food you loved but that's what make you unexpected, cinematic.

NewYork has such a strong influence on people across the world. It have always welcomed anyone and everyone be it a Indian family running a small boutique in ghettos, an Irish gay dancer, a Pakistani Cab driver,  or a man in a suit by giving them a "New York Confidence". I'm sure that today each and every one of them are living a happy life because they were treated with respect and were never judged by what they do or from where they came and that will be one of the main reason why millions of people are proud to call New York City their Home.

Walking on the street with croissant in one hand and coffee in another that's when i knew that I can leave everything behind and move here. It’s the most resilient place I’ve ever had the honor to live. I remember the time when I first saw you, you're like the first love, one can never get over it and I hope to see you soon and this time get to experience you for a bit longer.

The Girl who will never get over you.

Photo of My NewYork City Love Letter! by Pritee Phadnis
Photo of My NewYork City Love Letter! by Pritee Phadnis
Photo of My NewYork City Love Letter! by Pritee Phadnis
Photo of My NewYork City Love Letter! by Pritee Phadnis