Mughal Garden is situated inside President House ,India . It is opened for Public between 5th FEB 2020 to 8th March 2020 for this year .
Mughal Garden is situated in Heart of Delhi .
How to reach - Nearest Metro Station is Central Secreteriat . Do exit from gate no3 and book a auto for President House . Entry to mughal Garden is allowed from gate no 35 .Distance from central secreteriat metro station is 2.5 KM and auto will charge you 60rs .
How to enter -For entry ,You need to book online pass . This is free of cost . You do not need to pay anything .
They allow general entry on the basis of DL/ Adhar / Passport but please avoid general entry as you will face long queues for entry .
You can book online pass from this link .
Time required for Visit - 4 Hr
Allowed items -Only 3 ( Mobile phones , money wallet and Milk bottle for Kids ) . Nothing is allowed except these 3 items .
Mughal Garden is closed on every Monday .
You will see too many varities of flowers there .
Suggestion - Please avoid visiting on weekends .
I am sharing below pictures clicked inside Mughal Garden .

Thanks for reading this . Please share this with you friends and plan a visit to President House .
I have shared all basic information . For more query , You can visit President of India website .