What to pack in your backpack is probably the biggest worry before traveling abroad. Carry light bags are always recommended as you can easily carry on shoulders ( a Daypack , Rucksack ) . It’s also depend on your way of traveling if you are actually traveling with a tailor made tour from private car , then advised you to take a cabin bag or suitcase because you can easily put these cases in car or either you don’t need to carry along with you all the time. But If you are traveling with budget or like a bag packer's then highly recommend you to get a new Rucksack . You can buy it from DeCathlon stores near you or either you can buy it from Amazon . it’s easy to carry on , Rucksack is always be the first choice for all the local traveler’s as you can carry as much as stuff in it , but suggest you to only carry useful stuff with you and try to avoid the things which are really un necessary , like if you are planning to travel in a hot countries like Middle east Asia Depending on the season of that particular country try to pack only light T-shirts and Half Pants & Shorts , avoids keeping jackets & suits .
A small Day-pack is highly suggested because once you check-in in your hotel or Hostels , you don't want to carry your Rucksack in your day Trip so Day-pack is super important to be with you, where you can carry your Passport ID , Wallet , Travel Itineraries or Travel Books , Camera ( Camera Lenses ) , your papers etc....

What are the items you really need to pin while traveling ?
1. Passport :- you don’t want to reach airport without your passport then miss the flight just because you went back to your home to get the passport , So your passport is the very first important thing to carry & keep safe while traveling .
2. Cloths :- You Don’t need to carry bunch of cloths , Take light layer & warm layer cloths , it’s majorly depends on the country you are visiting weather it’s cold , hot or Raining , try to pack as less as possible because ultimately you have to carry the weight throughout you Journey .
3. Travel Adapter/ Phone Charging Cable :- Travel Adapter is always must carry thing in your backpack , although you can get from anywhere in major cities but its better to get a new before your Boarding on flight.
4. Waterproof mac / Rain jacket / Umbrella :- This becomes more important when you are traveling in a country where raining is completely unpredictable, you cannot predict a very next moment you have to face continuous heavy rain shower , When i was in Sri Lanka i really forget to carry rain jacket or any of that stuff , suddenly it showers heaving & I stuck in middle of the Ella rock for around 4 hours .
5. A pair of extra shoes / Sandals :- A Pair of Sandal is always prefer while traveling specially when you know , you have to visit local temple where you need to take off this time to time . Of course You don’t want to put on your main shoes on every location so prefer to take one pair of Walking shoes for trekking .
6. Keep Dollars / Euros / Cards in wallet :- Always carry amount of extra money with you because you never know when you need the most , Always try to keep your Debit or Credit cards with you which must be internationally accepted , Keep some cash in dollars or Euros which is internationally accepted Everywhere , you can easily exchange with local currency , Avoid keeping your local currencies other than Dollars & Euros because they hardly accept it .
7. First Aid Kit / Painkillers / Digestion pills :- New country new food New Lifestyle is always leads to Headache , stomach problem as you don’t want to be on bed on journey. Keep some medicines advised by Doctor in your Backpack.
8. Camera :- who don’t want to keep there memorable moments in camera , keep your camera Lenses , Camera charger along with your kit .
Note : Do Not keep your Camera in Boarding Baggage , always keep in Cabin Baggage.
9. GPS or MAPS / offline google Map :- you don't want to be lost in an unknown country , Download Offline google map is the best option in the modern time we have , offline map will work without any data plan , this will Update your current location , Keep the Paper Map of the particular city with you , you can easily get it from hotel / Hostels guesthouse Front Desk .
10. Shampoo / conditioner / Body wash Gel :- Keep a plastic Bag where you can keep all your body products. Body wash gel is highly recommended because keeping you wet soap everywhere on your trip will be disgusting, Sometimes wet soap left patches on your bag or cloths , better to keep body wash gel instead of Soap .
11. Moisturizer/ Sun scream :- Although you know , you are going to wander all the days., Dry skin better to keep sun scream and moisturizer in your backpack.
12. Going out outfit :- A better outfit will define you ultimately, you don’t want to go club , Bar & DJ night with your normal outfit , you must have to keep one outfit which makes you feel good .
13. Hat or Cap & Sunglasses :- keeping Sunglasses make you more stylish & kept your Eye from Unwanted Solar rays .
14. Eye Mask / Ear Buds :- These things become specially important when you are staying in Dorms kind of stay , because you never know when the lights turn on and off , people late night conversations in Dorms are very normal .
15. Padlock :- To keep your Stuff safe , weather Boarding your rucksack on flight , Trains and Buses , you may have lots of important things in bag that you don’t want to stole away .
16. Reading Materials/ Travel Guides / Phrasebook :- Waiting Hours and hours for your next flight , sitting on buses, trains . Keeping Reading Material is always best way to spent your time , Local Travel Guides , Phrasebook Like Lonely planet Book is always good to carry.
17. Mosquito repellent :- The most important part of your travel is perfect sleep , you can’t have a good tour without better sleep , Mosquitoes spray become must to carry stuff specially if you are traveling in Asia .
18. Water bottle / Snacks :- There are some places in your Itinerary where finding local shops isn't Easy for sure,so always keep water bottle & Snacks before leaving Hotel.As many vendors sell water bottle at high rate outside monuments so better to keep one with you .
19. International Sim Card :- A sim card is highly advisable Either Local sim card , you can get it from Every International Airport arrival hall , its not so expensive , choose Data plan in your pack which ultimately needs you more in your journey.
20.Hiking Socks :-It doesn’t matter what hiking boot or shoe you choose if you don’t have a good pair of socks to accompany it. we Highly advised to keep towel socks , Which is extremely comfortably material that offers premium temperature regulation, moisture wicking, and odor resistance.
THIS ALL SUM UP WITH MY OWN TRAVEL EXPERIENCE , I Wish This will help you while backpacking for your next journey . Please like it if you find this useful & Leave some comments if you anything you feel as well important to pack before packing.