I have always been fascinated with hands as a photo subject because they give you an insight about a person’s story.
What’s his story?
Set your mind free from pre-conceptions, and you will be able to imagine the whole life of this person through the portraiture of his hands. Can you?
Sometimes, the greatest thing to come out of your hard work isn’t what you get for it, but what you become for it.
I was out for a shoot in the Potter's Colony in Uttam Nagar, Delhi when I came across this small house where I found a lot of potters. I walked over to an old man and asked him what made him choose pottery. At first he said that he just wanted enough to elope to another city to make more money. But as he passed on the expertise to his extended family, he saw that it knit them closer. Since over so many decades, the craft of pottery under one roof keeps a set of 12 hands together.
Every time we visit a place, there are millions of stories buried in every street. Unfold those & get a deeper sense of what the culture really holds.